tap gigas
orange beast from hell so i have been told i want one
heard it to be extreamly fast and outwordly aggressive if bothered that is all i have heard
Yeah I know they're fast. I got three of them yesterday. They're about 2,5 inches and even faster than pokies. Yes that's right even faster than pokies...the three of them we're all over my kitchen when I tried to move them their containers. Fast like lightning.
Well the one had calmed down after a week or two and was more prone to jump to the floor of the cage rather than dart out of it. I set mine up like it was a Psalmopoeus .
Lightning fast, meaning one of the fastest T's over 5 inches. (Largest of the Tapinauchenius family) I have a 6" adult female that lept out of the container it was in before I could close the lid. Never happened before with a spider that large. I've seen more skiddishness than aggressiveness so far but when it escaped I just got out of the way. cuped it without a fang bared.
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