Tailless Whip Scorpion Species Questions


Jul 9, 2021
Hey all! Recently acquired this little fella as a rescue from craigslist, the previous keeper didn't know the species. It's my first non-tarantula arachnid, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the species and sex of it. I think female from what I've read? But I would love a second pair of eyes just to be more sure.

Thank you in advance!


Albireo Wulfbooper

Aug 1, 2019
Agree D. medius. Coax slowly and gently onto your fingers so you can look between your fingers at the underside. Look for a small cluster of short red hairs at the genital operculum (near where the abdomen and cephalothorax meet). If you see hairs, it's a female. If not, it's a male. This photo by Jordan Cadiot shows what you're looking for - it's a different species, but this sexing method works for all Phrynichidae, and is far more reliable than using pedipalp length.

Sexual dimorphism Damon diadema.jpg


Jul 9, 2021
Agree D. medius. Coax slowly and gently onto your fingers so you can look between your fingers at the underside. Look for a small cluster of short red hairs at the genital operculum (near where the abdomen and cephalothorax meet). If you see hairs, it's a female. If not, it's a male. This photo by Jordan Cadiot shows what you're looking for - it's a different species, but this sexing method works for all Phrynichidae, and is far more reliable than using pedipalp length.

View attachment 398337
Okay cool, thank you for the feedback. I never knew that way of sexing is interesting, I've never heard about it but I'll give it a try.

Albireo Wulfbooper

Aug 1, 2019
Okay cool, thank you for the feedback. I never knew that way of sexing is interesting, I've never heard about it but I'll give it a try.
It only works for this group - for some other groups you pretty much have to dissect a moult.

Incidentally, now that you know it's Damon medius, if you haven't already read up about them here I strongly advise doing so - they're a lot more prone to dehydration than most other amblypygi in the pet trade. You really want to make sure you've got their setup dialled in so they don't have moulting problems.