Okay I don't know how everyone does it. I have followed the directions of articles, care sheets, forum posts/threads/suggestions, and it just isn't working.
My climate as of right now (outside) is -36C, humidity 11%. Inside my place I am keeping it at 17C, and I am running a ceramic 1500W space heater which keeps the room with my T enclosure at 20-21C. I currently have a 1L container of water in front of the heater that is evaporated daily and replaced. I wet the substrate every day, I have a large flat water dish in the enclosure, and I've covered 90% of the ventilation in the enclosure, and the humidity stays inside the enclosure at around 16 to 20%. How on EARTH am I supposed to get the humidity to between 60-85%?????
My T appears comfortable, and eats every second day (I know, I'm gorging her), but I'm worried about a molt that she's not going to have enough moisture. What the heck does it take to keep the humidity up in the damn thing???
Please, suggestions are appreciated.
My climate as of right now (outside) is -36C, humidity 11%. Inside my place I am keeping it at 17C, and I am running a ceramic 1500W space heater which keeps the room with my T enclosure at 20-21C. I currently have a 1L container of water in front of the heater that is evaporated daily and replaced. I wet the substrate every day, I have a large flat water dish in the enclosure, and I've covered 90% of the ventilation in the enclosure, and the humidity stays inside the enclosure at around 16 to 20%. How on EARTH am I supposed to get the humidity to between 60-85%?????
My T appears comfortable, and eats every second day (I know, I'm gorging her), but I'm worried about a molt that she's not going to have enough moisture. What the heck does it take to keep the humidity up in the damn thing???
Please, suggestions are appreciated.