T. blondi breeding


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2008
Ok people I've got a monster (10") female Theraphosa blondi that about 2 months ago molted. She's been eating nonstop since she recovered. My local pet store got in a mature male, who as long as my female doesn't eat him I get for free and then to return. I've given her a multitude of food items since the molt, including tons of crickets, mealworms, earthworms, a couple baby mice, potatoe bugs from the yard, and she's finishing up an anole right now :( She's already swollen like she's beyond gravid, but the second her hole is touched she lunges out to eat whatever it is. My male produced a sperm web last night. I posted this because I want as much insight as I can get from other keepers, especially those who have bred birdeaters before. I hear they can be slightly difficult to breed, and very difficult to produce a viable eggsac. I keep the female in a very warm and humid 54 gallon tank. The male is in a 10. Any opinions on breeding these guys would be greatly apprecitated, because my first attempt will be this week and I'm praying he doesn't get eaten and they breed successfully lol. Here's some pics of the male and the female's enclosure (I don't have a recent pic of her from her last molt yet, but you can see her on my profile). I posted pics cuz I like to show off :rolleyes: But seriously, help me out (I'm really nervous lol) and thanks!!!
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Spyder 1.0

Old Timer
Jan 7, 2007
is that picture recent?

Because that is not a fat t.blondi by any means.


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
That looks male to me..
I just put the male in with my female for a month or so let them co-habitate. They were very well behaved. The second male I put in with my female was a brat. He stole her burrow and then wouldnt put out!!! UGH. I sent him off and he eventually ATE the next girl he co-habitated with!!!!


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2008
T blondi

is that picture recent?

Because that is not a fat t.blondi by any means.
If you are talking about the pic above, that's the male and I never said he was fat. I just got him and he's only eaten a pinky mouse and a couple crickets. The pic of the female on my profile is a pretty old pic. She's molted since then, she is almost solid black with red hairs on her abdomen, which is tennis ball size...and that's pretty fat to me (and I haven't even bred her yet)
I'm just being a little hesitant since she is so quick to grab food. I swear if I dropped a grape down her hole she'd eat it before she knew what it was.

Also, to the second post, I am the least bit worried that my male would hurt the female, he's pretty leggy but she is still waaaaaaay bigger lol. But that makes me feel better knowing you got yours to cohabitate. I may try that. Right now I'm still just waiting for no school/work and a couple free hours to watch em do their stuff. Thanks for the reply!


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2008

What's sarrs? And the breeding was a success!!! :D :D :D (pic was after mating, I recorded that part lol)
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