T bleeding? dont think its a big issue but want to check up.


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2009
I was removing a molt from one of my T's cages when she bolted i was able to keep her down with tongs that i had handy but she did it again but stoped at the base of the wall. i noticed that her front left leg was bleeding. this is the first time one of my T's have bled before so i donno how much is to much for a T. its not pouring. looks like it stoped. its about a size of a pea. since it was on the leg i didnt think it was a life and death situation so i quickly got the molt and put some water in her cage. im thinking that itl probably heal and if it doesnt she will drop it. but i just want to clarify, i will put her in the fridge for a couple of min to slow her down then put some super glue or new skin on her leg if i have to but i would rather not if it isnt necessary because she is fast and tempermental and i am worried to cause her more harm =( but i can if i must.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Well first off, what sp. are we dealing with? My C. fasciatum is "fast and tempermental," for example. However, I would not treat it with the same kind of caution that I would a Pokie, for instance. If we knew what we are dealing with, then someone could make a better recommendation as to how to go about administering any sort of treatment.

If the bleeding has stopped, you might be safe to leave it alone. Putting the T into an ICU would not be a bad idea, if only for the sake of allowing you the availability of keeping the T under observation. Sorry if I cannot be of any more help.

Good luck to you and your T!!!