I keep mine in peatmoss. Moist on one side dry on the other. Feed them potatos, apples, pears, fishfood, oatmeal, cereals.
Isnt there a SuperWorm sticky on how to keep them?? I recall it was very VERY informative!
hey i use coco fiber and mine are doin great
keep it moist but on the dry side
mix some ground alfalfa into it and some grains and your good to go
i would avoid cucumber since it does have a cyanide compund in it
it even kills american roaches
thats why i got some more from effci since one dill pikle killed my colonie of bout 3000 americans lol
carrot is awsome
it only molds if the humidity is over 95% otherwise it dries up
I had by far the best results keeping them in wheat bran. It's cheaper than oatmeal, and I had a lot of mold problems with oatmeal but none with bran.
The mold didn't seem to bother the worms, but I didnt' want to feed them to anything if they were full of mold. They eat the bran, so it has to be replenished.
Carrot is a good source of water, since it doesn't mold much either. Uneaten potatoes have to be removed fairly promptly.
I kept the adult beetles on toilet paper rolls. They seem to need a fair amount of moisture to survive, so carrots potatoes or apples should be available to them.
froggy -
I routinely feed my roaches cucumber. No problems yet. I wouldn't feed them pickles though - too acidic.
i use chicken mash as bedding for my superworms (larvae and adult beetles). they live and breed there. i use potato slices and peelings as source for moisture/water and replace when they dry up.
*be sure to transfer the superworms to a thin layer of oatmeal bedding at least 24 hours before being used as feeders to purge them of the chicken mash and to gutload with the more nutritious oatmeal*
well i fed a australian roach a cucumber in mexico and it died as well
i used to feed them to my african giant land snails but then when i gave them to a friend to feed to his monitors one died because of some reaction with the compounds in the cucumber
i felt terrible since it was one small snail and one nice green tree monitor
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