User Sulfyr's Tarantula Pictures


Jun 3, 2019
So I have always wanted a Tarantula but was never in an environment that would properly sustain the spider. Fast forward to Friday where I hit the dirty 30... In looking at the reptiles in a local pet shop the owner asked me if I was looking for anything and I asked if they ever got Tarantula’s in and he lead me to their T room, and we spent a good 30 minutes talking about basic care, tank needs, what’s a good beginner, etcetc.

Went off to get a few piercings as a Bday gift to myself, and sent my fiancé pictures of various T’s from slings to mature. (He hates arachnids).
He said he would be okay so long as it couldn’t get out...

So meet Jonesy!!

Curlyhair sling- not sure of gender. I waited a few days while they settled in and were more active and first cricket dropped was caught extremely quickly (if only my Ball was as good!).

Any tips for a newbie T owner? (And sling owner?)



Oct 13, 2017
Enclosure looks good. I'd add a few vent holes on the sides (assuming there're already some in the lid) and maybe some kind of hide (a fake leaf, a tiny piece of cork bark or a starter burrow).

Don't keep it too moist. Beginners sometimes overdo it, when someone says "keep it moist" and end up with a swamp. ;) I'd only moisten (moist, not wet!) half of the enclosure and keep the other half a bit dryer. That way your sling can choose where it wants to hang out. Having said that, Brachypelma albopilosum (always better to use scientific names) appreciate a bit more moisture in the sub compared with most other Brachypelma species.

Other than that I highly recommend reading this thread:
It has a great section on sling care as well. :)

By the way, these kind of questions find more readers/get more answers when you post them here:
This forum is usually dedicated to pictures only. ;)