Sugar Gliders


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2005
Can someone give me some basic information on these little fun devils? I am interested in getting two young ones at some point. Well after I get my motor cycle of course :D


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
Hi, I can give you few tips.

Know what you are getting into before you purchase/adopt them. Don't let me dissuade you from getting them, just undersatnd I had a few years of experiance with these little guys.

I adopted two joeys from a rescue in NJ about 4 years ago. I was told they are ok on sugar glider food (pre packaged) This it NOT NOT NOT true. I spoke with many breeders after the fact and found out I had to hand make/cook their meals for them. I did not mind this. I spent alot of money on them and alot of money on a cage I hand built for them (Which I still have If you are in my area and are in need of one) I built it out of plastic coated 1"x 1/2" screen (bare metal has lead in it which can leach into the blood stream)

Two males, will fight. Which was ok, I was waiting until they were setteled down after we moved to get them neutered. I woke up one morning and one was dead. No reason, no precursor. 100% healthy vet checked blood tested. Just....died. I had to rush around to either find a new one (which I couldn't afford) or find a home. YOU CANNOT HAVE THESE GUYS LIVE ALONE, unless you are there and have them in a pouch for about 8-12 hours a day. I worked at a vet clinic and that would be a yummy snack for any dog or cat.

So take heed in my words. They are adorable wonderful little creatures, but if you do not have time for them, they will not have time for you and will get agressive when handeled. Its took me about 1 hour a week to prepare food for them, which I froze into icecubes. I also took fresh fruit and pureed it and froze this (This is a good way to feed alot of animals) I'm sure it was poasted earlier, but here is the receipie for BML Leadbeaters diet. Do your suggies a favor and feed them only this, it has been vet and zoo tested, and has no defeiciencies like the prepacked diets. It took me weeks of reaserch to find out what was really right for them :/
Good website for getting all of your supplies. They LOVE to run in wheels, but only get this kind (Plus the nail trimming paper) so their feet and tails don't get stick in the spokes and get torn.

Bourbon's Modified Leadbeaters (BML)
This diet plan is designed to include: the BML mix, below, fruits, veggies and Insects each night
some people offer during the day Mazori Omnivore, or Zoofare Insectavore, DO NOT feed this diet plan with another diet plan.


This is the Original with the added Herptivite, It's mixing order is up to you.
The Basic BML Mixture
to be used with the entire BML plan as explained below


1/2 cup Honey, do not use honeycomb, raw or unfiltered honey, Most storebought Honey is the one to use unless it uses one of the three words above


1 Egg (boiled or scrambled) (I Hard Boil Mine)
The shell is OPTIONAL, if your blender does NOT break the shell down into miniscule pieces do not use it. I break the egg down before putting it into the blender

1/4 cup Wheat Germ

1/2 cup dry baby cereal.. Heinz or Gerber (Mixed or Oatmeal)
(I use rice with fruit bits)


2 2 1/2 oz jar of Stage 1 or 2 Heinz, Gerber or Beechnut Chicken baby food

The chicken will say either Chicken with Chicken Gravy or Chicken with Chicken Broth either is acceptable


1 4oz bottle PREMIXED Gerber juice with yogurt (Mixed Fruit or Banana)

both have yogurt mixed in, the fluid is creamy colored. For those that can not find this, you may substitute 2 oz of plain yogurt and 2 oz of mixed fruit juice


1 Teaspoon of Rep-Cal HERPTIVITE vitamin suppliment ,
Blue label on a white plastic container, DO NOT SUBSTITUTE this suppliment.
(My petstore ordered it for me)


2 teaspoons Rep-Cal Calcium Suppliment non-phosphorus with Vit. D3 in it.

Pink label on a white plastic container (my petstore ordered it for me)


(OPTIONAL)1/4 cup of 100% pure Apple Juice, just the good ole apple juice that you and I would drink, Not frozen, not baby juice, just regular bottle apple juice.(added to sweeten)when I make a double batch I still only use 1/4 cup, this is strictly up to you.


Blend well , turn off blender, It should be the pour into tupperware bowl, or ice cube trays and FREEZE, 1 cube in ice cube tray is approx. 2 tablespoons. It will freeze to the consistancy of ice cream.
This will feed 1 glider for approximately 1 month.


Do NOT mix the fruits and veggies in before freezing.
There are several ways to feed the BML plan. The one thing that is consistant, is that, it is designed to be fed with fruits, veggies, and insects.
The rule of thumb per glider is..
1 Tablespoon of the BML basic mix,
1 Tablespoon of fruits,
1 Tablespoon of veggies
If they eat it all the first night add a little more the next night till they leave only a little bit.


***Special Notes***
The fruits and veggies can be of what ever variety you wish, there are times when gliders may like one thing one day and not the next, and vice versa, so don't think they don't like something just because they didn't eat it, the one time you offered it. The things to avoid with the fruits are pits, Do NOT feed the pits or seeds of apples, cherry, peaches etc.. You can use fresh or frozen, but do NOT used canned.
For Joeys that are under 8 weeks OOP, please use the JOEY BML. Ask the breeder how they age them, some large breeders age them upon emergence into the pouch. If that is how they age them, subtract 60 days from their age.

Young joeys up to 6 months oop, may not eat as many fruits and veggies, and eat more of the mix. This is NOT cause for concern, they are just not ready for it yet. You can introduce them by offering them as finger treats.

For nursing and lactating mothers. Stay with this plan, do not add or increase anything. They will eat more BML if needed, and less fruits and veggies. They also may want more insects, you can increase theirs by 1 or 2.

If your glider has never been introduced to insects, it may SEEM like they do not like it, that is NOT the case. Break a mealie in half, allow them to lick the guts, or squeeze it onto your finger and offer it as a licky treat. This can be started very young (mine start this at about 3-4 weeks oop, but only the insides.) If they are older (over 8 weeks OOP), you may try dipping the half in their favorite licky treat.

The insects should always be part of their diet. Depending on what you feed, and what size. I feed 3-4 Large (jumbo) mealies per day (not superworms) small 8-10, medium 5-7, Large or jumbo 3-4, superworms 1-2. Some of the most popular insects are . Mealworms, crickets, moths, june bugs. Do NOT feed roaches, or any insects found on the floor or on the ground, which could have come in contact with pesticides, either from your place, or someone elses. My gliders do not like to have their mealies in the BML mix. I offer 4 to 5 mealworms or crickets each morning. I may also offer them a few in the evening or offer them moths, june bugs or Man'o'wars. If it is a bug.. Look out... If it moves, try it. In the summer the fav is man'o wars or skeeter eaters.. whichever people call them they look like giant mesquitos, moths and june bugs.
Caution : DO NOT feed fireflys/lightening bugs.

Some people offer Mazori Omnivore, New World Primate or Zoofare Insectavore 24/7. If it works, fine, but only offer a few pieces. This is mainly used in cases when they get up during the day to eat. Do NOT offer Briskys with the BML. As it is a diet plan within itself, and could throw the balance off of both plans.

There are many ways to offer variety this is some of the ways I feed mine...
After I spoon the BML mix into their bowl, I feed their veggies and fruits in various ways.
1.) Fold in a few frozen veggies.. corn, peas, carrots. etc. into the BML mix
2.) I will give them fruits and veggies during the day, for treats. 3.) In a side bowl.
4.) If I "ICE" the BML mix with applesauce or another fruit, I will reduce the amounts on the side. By Icing you take about 1/2 teaspoon of applesauce and spread it across the top of the BML mix, take the edge of a spoon and cut ridges into the BML mix.
Motts has snackpack flavored applesauce, try the different flavors to find out which ones your gliders like.


Any changes in this recipe, other than noted, the gliders may not like it. The majority of my email that people have sent to me, stating their gliders would not eat this, we have found, has been caused by modifications, and items being omitted added or substituted. This is a complete plan and does not need additions.


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2005
I would just say (as I have 2 and have done alot of research) don't believe everything you read on the internet- check multiple sources to make sure its actually a fact. Like for instance- DON'T FEED NUTS. That is true, but several websites suggest feeding them, even some books do. Leashes aren't good either. They can harm the gliding membrane. They need a careful calcium/phosphorus ratio in their food. They need a very large cage, and lots of time out and about. They can escape easily and you have to be careful about their interactions with other pets. Also you have to be a night person because they are noctural and don't like being out in the day, so unless you like playing and hearing their calls at 1am, it might not work out. I don't have to wake up early and I like to stay up late, so i don't mind. Make sure you have the time, money and lifestyle to fit. They are fun little guys though. Kind of like monkeys, in a managable manner.