I’m not talking about teleporting slings, or Ts that push the tops off their enclosures. (OK, you can talk about those too if you want.) I’m looking for Ts that would never have gotten out except for human stupidity. I’ll go first.
Mine happened right after feeding day. All the cages were nicely lined up and I went from one to the other dropping in crickets and roaches, then returning them to my T cabinet. All the critters got fed, no leftovers, no problems. Or so I thought.
A couple of days later I was looking at the critters and Godzilla (my juvenile L. parahybana, around 3 inches) was nowhere to be seen.
Godz always hangs out on top of his hide, no shyness in this beast. Maybe he decided to tunnel? Nope, no tunnel, no spider. What the hell?
Upon closer examination it turns out I accidentally put the cricket keeper top on Godzilla’s enclosure!
He got out through the hole, quite a feat for my plump little T. He didn’t get far, the cabinet has a door, and he was chilling in a corner of the middle shelf (where his cage sits).
After moving the other cages out of the way I went on a hunt. Here, spidey, spidey. No luck, Godz was in no hurry to end his walk. Finally he climbed up to the top shelf and went into a corner. After trying for several minutes to get him into his cage with a paintbrush I gave up, slowly and carefully corralled him with my hand. First time I’d handled him since he was a sling.
Godz went right down into the enclosure and sat down on his hide.
So there you have it, unbridled human stupidity at its best. Godzilla is none the worse for wear, although he now shows an increased interest in climbing out of his enclosure during feeding time.
Mine happened right after feeding day. All the cages were nicely lined up and I went from one to the other dropping in crickets and roaches, then returning them to my T cabinet. All the critters got fed, no leftovers, no problems. Or so I thought.
A couple of days later I was looking at the critters and Godzilla (my juvenile L. parahybana, around 3 inches) was nowhere to be seen.
Upon closer examination it turns out I accidentally put the cricket keeper top on Godzilla’s enclosure!
After moving the other cages out of the way I went on a hunt. Here, spidey, spidey. No luck, Godz was in no hurry to end his walk. Finally he climbed up to the top shelf and went into a corner. After trying for several minutes to get him into his cage with a paintbrush I gave up, slowly and carefully corralled him with my hand. First time I’d handled him since he was a sling.
So there you have it, unbridled human stupidity at its best. Godzilla is none the worse for wear, although he now shows an increased interest in climbing out of his enclosure during feeding time.