So my fiancee and I went to a LPS here for dog food today. While we were there I figured I would take a look at their other small animal section when I see a lable that reads "Pink Toe." Now given some of the other threads that have popped up about T's in horrible conditions, I went to take a look. Sure enough, their was this poor A.avic. in a terrestial set up, swampy cocco fiber, and a DRY water dish, with a billion crickets in there!!
The poor thing was crammed as far in the top of the terrarium as it could get, above a wooden hide they provided for it. I was so mad about it, my fiancee offered to buy it for so I could get it out of there. I know that by getting it they will just replace it with another poor victim but I just could not leave it. So we waited for some on to be called to help us, and when he got there it turned into a nightmare. This guy comes up and rips back the top, jamming it back (note the T is in the back corner with legs holding on to the top of the lid upside down) and proceeds to look under the hide for the T. Then he says "oh where did it go?" looking a t me. I was worried about lost legs at this point and I said it was on the back corner of the lid before you ripped it back. So he bends down and say "Oh yeah." Then he proceeds to take the lid off completely and rip open the T's hides and prodded it out with his finger till it came running out onto the top of the table.:wall: He picks it up and is holding it while it is running on his hands and up his shoulder! Mind you this is all done while he is standing and the floor is tile over concrete. I can also see now that it is out that it is in heavy premolt mode. HE then asks me if I want to hold it. I was so angry I just looked and him and said "No I do not want to hold it as A. It is ready to molt, B. The floor is so far down, and C. It's an Avic and they like to jump, and before you decide to let my T commit sucicide by your stupidity, I suggest you put it in the box so I can take it home." That ended that pretty quick and I got to take it home. It is now in a nice TALLER set up with slightly moist cocco fiber and a water dish WITH water. I just hope it will be ok since it looks pretty close to molting. Sorry for rambling, I know that most LSP have the same T ignorant people working in them but still, if you are going to sell them, why not keep them happy and healthy? People would not go back to buy anything more from them if they received a sick animal. I know to much to ask. Just wanted to share