

Old Timer
Sep 9, 2009
This morning I woke up to find my 5" G. rosea between her cork bark and the wall of her enclosure.

She was face down with her her butt up in the air, moving her spinnerets.
As I looked inside her cork bark I saw she was flailing her legs trying to hang on to something!
I knew right away that she was stuck! :eek:
I very gently moved the cork bark so she could get down in her hidey hole.

I was scared that she might be hurt since I don't know how long she was stuck between the wall and the bark.
I coaxed her to go into a clear container I have for her, and then I looked at her from all angles looking for any abnormalities.
Thank goodness she is fine and my panic has subsided by now, but the whole day I kept looking in her tank every 10 minutes.

It's funny because as I was moving the cork bark to get her unstuck I was reviewing in my mind all I have learned on this board in case she was hurt.
From looking for hemolymph, how to handle her if indeed she was hurt, to getting my T first aid kit out, to getting an ICU ready for her....

Wow! I had a few scary minutes there, and even though I didn't need to do anything, I just wanted to tell you guys that I appreciate all the information you give on this board :D

My Shelob and I thank you :worship:



Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Wow I dont know how I would handle that... I am glad she is ok! She is a purddy little girl.. :D