strang cat behavor....this is a problem


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
some of this is grafic but im trying to figure out whats going on

well i have a cat thats 15 years old, close to 16. It has always slept on my bed everynight till one night i noticed a bad smell while in bed, i turned on the light and saw a very small about of what looked to be fecies and sure smelled of it so im sure it was. I tried having her sleep with me 2 other times since then and the same thing happens. I noticed she kinda started smelling and checking something out and again a very small amout of fecies and a dime size of wetness. Why is this happening, whats going on? I noticed her anus is like moist. This is sad because i cant let her sleep with me anymore and im afarade she may be doing it around the house.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
Something is wrong there, although it is not uncommon for elderly animals, as with humans, to become incontinent, especially while they are sleeping and their concious control over their bodily functions relaxes. However, in the case of a cat, what you saw could have also been a hairball that she'd puked up, since hairballs do look a bit like fecal matter, and smell HORRIBLE. Most cats will regurg a hairball every now and then, and mine seems to do so on a regular basis. As long as they're getting rid of the hairballs, though, they don't have problems. It's just that I usually wind up stepping in the thing or having to change the bedspead in the middle of the night, since I have two cats that sleep with me also. One, fortunately, is a Devon Rex with very little hair to begin with, but the Persian is the main culprit. Being that your cat is so old, it would be a good idea to take her to a vet for a check-up anyway, to rule out kidney problems(VERY common in older cats, and a major cause of "accidents" or going outside the litter box)or other issues.


Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
It's possible she needs to have the anal scent gland expressed (possible buildup of fluid or other internal problem). The vet will be able to tell you for sure. If so, I pity the poor tech that has to do it, I've always heard it's the single most vile experience a human being can ever suffer through, but the animal will feel much better afterwards.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
My cat had her anal glands pressed, she screamed in anger and sliced the vets finger open! But after a few days she was fine, and no more smelly rear-end. The smell is horrible!

I would have to say anal glands need to be pressed, or it could have worms. Does it wipe it's rear end on the floor after going number 2? Get a fecal sample,it should see a vet.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2006
My black lab used to "leak" when she was a stopped around 4 months or so. Also, I had a tomcat who died a few years back. He had anal gland trouble rather frequently in his last years. The glands would leak or become swollen or both, and he had to have them expressed about twice a year. One of them eventually ruptured, so they stitched him up and went ahead and removed the other one. He was 13, I believe, when we had to have him euthanized...:(