Spiny Agama Help


Jul 9, 2014
I recently bought two spiny agamas from my LPS, one male one female. I was told they'd be fine and that they'd breed. They are currently in a ten gallon tank with 2 hides. Whenever the male sees the female he chases after her and she runs up one if the hides to get away from him. Is this just a mating thing like a display or something or is this aggression? The male is very calm until he sees the female and he tolerates extensive handling while the female runs when ever my hand even goes in the tank. Should I separate them? I've had bad experiences with multiple lizards in one tank before.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
I recently bought two spiny agamas from my LPS, one male one female. I was told they'd be fine and that they'd breed. They are currently in a ten gallon tank with 2 hides. Whenever the male sees the female he chases after her and she runs up one if the hides to get away from him. Is this just a mating thing like a display or something or is this aggression? The male is very calm until he sees the female and he tolerates extensive handling while the female runs when ever my hand even goes in the tank. Should I separate them? I've had bad experiences with multiple lizards in one tank before.
honestly id say split them up. it all depends on their size wether they are breeding age.. iv received juvies of many lizard sp from lps claiming they had eggs and sometimes even was 2.0 pairs.. lizard mating is not quite run and chase if she wanted to mate theyd mate.. this goes for any lizard. never house multiples of unkown sexes unless youv id it 100% and know they are ok.. i had some agamas had females who was just fine with one another. but also had girls who got severly injured by a female too aggressive. if that is indeed a male. id separate it now before she gets hurt..

also Agama armata get fairly good sized if they are fitting in a 10g they are most likely NOT going to breed. most of mine iv had hit 7-9" [up to 22cm] if anything they should be in a 20long or 55 at breeding size. i refused to keep my adults in anything besides a 29 gal or 20 long [same floor space]
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Jul 9, 2014
honestly id say split them up. it all depends on their size wether they are breeding age.. iv received juvies of many lizard sp from lps claiming they had eggs and sometimes even was 2.0 pairs.. lizard mating is not quite run and chase if she wanted to mate theyd mate.. this goes for any lizard. never house multiples of unkown sexes unless youv id it 100% and know they are ok.. i had some agamas had females who was just fine with one another. but also had girls who got severly injured by a female too aggressive. if that is indeed a male. id separate it now before she gets hurt..

also Agama armata get fairly good sized if they are fitting in a 10g they are most likely NOT going to breed. most of mine iv had hit 7-9" [up to 22cm] if anything they should be in a 20long or 55 at breeding size. i refused to keep my adults in anything besides a 29 gal or 20 long [same floor space]
They are much much smaller than 7". The male is about 2.5", the female is a little less than that. They have plenty of space in the 10g. I'm not sure if they are Agama armata, I can't tell if they are the same. Thats why I hate common names. I'll try separating them thanks for the help.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
Oh they arent even matured yet they are still babies! Females are hard to tell what sp they are in alot of agamas. But they should hit maturity at like 4-5 in. They have a long way to go! Np so long as you give them uv light and propper diet youl love these guys for many moons x3 happy herping
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Jul 9, 2014
Oh they qrent even maturedbyet they are still babies! Females are hard to tell what sp they are in alot if agamas. But they should hit maturity at like 4-5 in. They hqve ablong way to go! Np so long as you give them uv light and propper diet youl love these guys for many moons x3 happy herping
Thanks for the help. I already fell in love with them. They're like mini-beardies.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
Haha yup kida might like uromastix(spelling? Just woke up) too then x3 or even leopard gecks (kinda like mini beardies lol)


May 8, 2014
They eat a lot at that size. Make sure both are eating equally. Sometimes one can be bossy, just like beardies =p. The care routine is fairly close to beardies as well. They're pretty chill little lizards. It seems to be hard to nail down the exact species though =/. Darn common names!


Jul 9, 2014
They eat a lot at that size. Make sure both are eating equally. Sometimes one can be bossy, just like beardies =p. The care routine is fairly close to beardies as well. They're pretty chill little lizards. It seems to be hard to nail down the exact species though =/. Darn common names!
The male eats like a pig, the female only eats crickets, I'm going to feed them separately from now on. Thanks and I to hate common names, especially since no reptile store seem to use them.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
The male eats like a pig, the female only eats crickets, I'm going to feed them separately from now on. Thanks and I to hate common names, especially since no reptile store seem to use them.
no store uses them which is why id personally like to start my own store and use them lol -.-

but give them as much as theyl eat in 1 sitting my last one was a Agama mwanzae and would eat over 100 med cricks in a sitting many times a week gah he was a growing boy tho XD [aptilly names spider pig btw haha]
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