spider snuff


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2005
I have a quarter size orb weaver outside my house. Last night as I was outside smoking I looked up and saw not one but two males approaching her web. About an hour later I came back out to see if either male had been successful and cought one of them in the act. No clue where the other male went but I watched the successful suitor make the mistake of going back for seconds. It worked for about two seconds then he became dinner. So my actual question is how long before she makes her eggsack and then how long before it hatches? I really want to catch one of the slings to add to my collection.


Old Timer
Jun 5, 2005
they will stay in the web for days after hatching.. youll see them


Old Timer
Jun 5, 2005
if it were me.. unless you have something small enough to feed a sling that small.. and they will be small.. i mean friggin tiny.. take the whole sack, put it in something.. baby bottles with snap on lids have worked well for me.. and hatch them yourself.. let them cannibalize until they, or at least one or 2 are ig enough to eat something you already have on hand as a feeder.. then keep a few and toss the rest back in the web, or in the yard somewhere..

another option is let them cannibalize until you have just a few left.. or feed them legless crickets and let them communally feed until they are big enough to separate and decide what you wanna do with them.. the cannibalization thing is natural, its what they do in the wild, so dont feel bad if the community cricket is just an appetizer and the siblings become the main course

its working with the orbweavers i hatched.. and the widows my roommate and I have been raising