I produce a documentary series for the History Channel called Cities of the Underworld. We are working on a piece for our website where our host, Don Wildman, visits the Notebaert Nature Museum to learn more about spiders. I am looking for any cool photographs of Brown Recluse & Black Widow spiders to include in the piece. If you have any images in your collection I would love to speak with you about them.
323-644-6144 Ext. 173
I produce a documentary series for the History Channel called Cities of the Underworld. We are working on a piece for our website where our host, Don Wildman, visits the Notebaert Nature Museum to learn more about spiders. I am looking for any cool photographs of Brown Recluse & Black Widow spiders to include in the piece. If you have any images in your collection I would love to speak with you about them.
323-644-6144 Ext. 173