People will believe just about anything these days. For instance there are some spiders that are herbivores namely the tree spider who eats wood and leaves. The event that brought this post on was a few minutes ago a lady in my office jumped up making a big rucuss, speaking very loudly "There was a spider on my desk, it was a brown recluse!" So now apparently all brown spiders are brown recluses and the brown recluses are terrorizing our office building trying to take over. I work in Las Colinas, Texas right outside of Dallas so i was just sitting there laughing at the commotion.
Anyone else hear rediculous myths about spiders? I mean everyone has heard the "daddy long legs are the deadliest spider in the world" myth, but any others?
Anyone else hear rediculous myths about spiders? I mean everyone has heard the "daddy long legs are the deadliest spider in the world" myth, but any others?