Spider and the Fly (Alternative gender swap version, with a twist)


Aug 21, 2021
I wrote this for fun, as I have always loved spiders and loved the original poem when I was little.

" Will you walk into my Parlor?” said girl Spider to the Fly boy; '”Tis the prettiest little parlor that will bring you joy. We can play Videogames, it will be so fun. Then I will show you, what in my web I have spun.” “Oh No, oh no!” said the fly, “"to ask me is in vain, For any man who goes into your parlor can ne'er come down again." “I promise you dear boy, I only want to be a friend, I have games you would enjoy, Will you not come for dinner?” said the girl spider to the boy fly. “ I would sure like if you could come and play some games and hang out; Oh please do come into my parlor for dinner, or I will surly pout.” "Oh no, no!" said the Fly "for I've often heard it said, That those men who come for dinner, did so lose their head!"
Said the cunning spider to the fly, "Dear friend, what shall I do, To prove the friendship I've always felt for you? I have, within my pantry, good food that tastes so nice; I would love to have you for dinner, will you please to take a slice?" "Oh no, no!" said the fly, "kind mam, that cannot be," I've heard what's in your pantry, and I do not wish to see."
The conniving female spider pretended to be sad, “I am hurt by your words Mr. Fly. I only wished to be your friend, I don’t want you to be gone. You are quite funny and kind, and smart and sweet. If you would step into my parlor, you can have a bite to eat.” The boy Fly feeling bad, foolishly said “I did not mean to offend, I’d like to be your friend”
The silly Fly grew closer as the Spider gave a devilish look. She jumped at the fly, holding him fast with her hairy, black arms, into her lair she took. She brought him to her silky web and stuck the fly boy there, who was filled with fright. The smart lady spider chuckled as she said “I told you I wanted you for dinner tonight.”
The spider went to her den, for she was quite pleased, For she had used her cunning wit, and in her web her dinner was seized. The boy Fly did cry out in terror “Help Me! Help Me”; But no one dared come near, to help the fly break free.
The fly struggled, and squirmed against the sticky thread. For he knew if he did not escape, soon he would be dead. He then heard a sound, a creepy sound of singing. The terrifying sound of the lady spider singing “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” in his ears was ringing.
The Fly boy looked around, and then looked up, as he saw with horror. As the strong cunning spider, crawled slowly near on her web, ready to devour. She was singing the song, to give Fly a fright; Before she ate him up for dinner tonight.
“What are you going to do?” cried the Fly boy; To which the female spider smiled, decided not to lie or play coy. “I’m going to wrap you up, snug as a bug in my silk cocoon. Then you will be in my belly real soon
She took a silky thread and wrapped around the crying Fly; She laughed as she spun him around and around, for it was quite fun. She cocooned him up real tight, as he wiggled to no avail. For the boy Fly, getting caught in the cunning spider girl's web, was quite a fail.
The female spider, so pleased with herself and her cunning wit; She took the wrapped up Fly, still squirming in his silk cocoon. She laughed manically, and took the webbed Fly, and did bit. She ate him up real slow, with a big smile on her face, as soon rose the moon.
The lady spider, giggled, burped and rubbed her now big spider belly. As the boy Fly was now inside, being turned to jelly. The smart female spider was pleased with herself, as she should be. For she was a cunning and strong spider women, and eating bad male flies gave her such glee.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
This is a sexist story

Why pit the 2 genders against each other is beyond me.

it should be 2 females or 2 males

any other combination leads the reader to draw various conclusions, perhaps erroneous, about the author.

Edan bandoot

Sep 5, 2019
This is a sexist story

Why pit the 2 genders against each other is beyond me.

it should be 2 females or 2 males

any other combination leads the reader to draw various conclusions, perhaps erroneous, about the author.
You'd make a great English teacher, they all jump to the same conclusions.


May 14, 2021
I wrote this for fun, as I have always loved spiders and loved the original poem when I was little.

" Will you walk into my Parlor?” said girl Spider to the Fly boy; '”Tis the prettiest little parlor that will bring you joy. We can play Videogames, it will be so fun. Then I will show you, what in my web I have spun.” “Oh No, oh no!” said the fly, “"to ask me is in vain, For any man who goes into your parlor can ne'er come down again." “I promise you dear boy, I only want to be a friend, I have games you would enjoy, Will you not come for dinner?” said the girl spider to the boy fly. “ I would sure like if you could come and play some games and hang out; Oh please do come into my parlor for dinner, or I will surly pout.” "Oh no, no!" said the Fly "for I've often heard it said, That those men who come for dinner, did so lose their head!"
Said the cunning spider to the fly, "Dear friend, what shall I do, To prove the friendship I've always felt for you? I have, within my pantry, good food that tastes so nice; I would love to have you for dinner, will you please to take a slice?" "Oh no, no!" said the fly, "kind mam, that cannot be," I've heard what's in your pantry, and I do not wish to see."
The conniving female spider pretended to be sad, “I am hurt by your words Mr. Fly. I only wished to be your friend, I don’t want you to be gone. You are quite funny and kind, and smart and sweet. If you would step into my parlor, you can have a bite to eat.” The boy Fly feeling bad, foolishly said “I did not mean to offend, I’d like to be your friend”
The silly Fly grew closer as the Spider gave a devilish look. She jumped at the fly, holding him fast with her hairy, black arms, into her lair she took. She brought him to her silky web and stuck the fly boy there, who was filled with fright. The smart lady spider chuckled as she said “I told you I wanted you for dinner tonight.”
The spider went to her den, for she was quite pleased, For she had used her cunning wit, and in her web her dinner was seized. The boy Fly did cry out in terror “Help Me! Help Me”; But no one dared come near, to help the fly break free.
The fly struggled, and squirmed against the sticky thread. For he knew if he did not escape, soon he would be dead. He then heard a sound, a creepy sound of singing. The terrifying sound of the lady spider singing “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” in his ears was ringing.
The Fly boy looked around, and then looked up, as he saw with horror. As the strong cunning spider, crawled slowly near on her web, ready to devour. She was singing the song, to give Fly a fright; Before she ate him up for dinner tonight.
“What are you going to do?” cried the Fly boy; To which the female spider smiled, decided not to lie or play coy. “I’m going to wrap you up, snug as a bug in my silk cocoon. Then you will be in my belly real soon
She took a silky thread and wrapped around the crying Fly; She laughed as she spun him around and around, for it was quite fun. She cocooned him up real tight, as he wiggled to no avail. For the boy Fly, getting caught in the cunning spider girl's web, was quite a fail.
The female spider, so pleased with herself and her cunning wit; She took the wrapped up Fly, still squirming in his silk cocoon. She laughed manically, and took the webbed Fly, and did bit. She ate him up real slow, with a big smile on her face, as soon rose the moon.
The lady spider, giggled, burped and rubbed her now big spider belly. As the boy Fly was now inside, being turned to jelly. The smart female spider was pleased with herself, as she should be. For she was a cunning and strong spider women, and eating bad male flies gave her such glee.
1. What was your intent when you wrote this
2. Depending on your intent it could be sexist or not. I don’t mind if it was a male fly or not it just depends on intent. Scientifically it would make sense since females are usually dominant as far as spiders go(not all species. Sometimes males are the same size our even larger then females).
3. I liked the poetry aspect. That rhyming rolled of the tongue.
4. If it’s for humor, forgive me for all that philosophy.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I'm reserving all judgement. The writing could span the gamut from a sociological or psychological test of the readers on out to simple musings set in a poetic vein. I need to know much more about the writer, and what if any underlying intents or motives there may be.
Thus my only comment is interesting, and a straight A for proper grammatical notation. Please write more.