Spazzy bearded dragon!!


Old Timer
May 19, 2007
Ok i got a bearded dragon back in December of last year and its a hypo about 7 inches now. From time to time he will spazz out trying to run from me and will puff out and try to bite me. What could be the problem?? I noticed ever since i put a few to many crickets in with him it made him more like this. And now he doesnt even really eat crickets he lets them crawl on him. He has been eating vegetables and wax worms so i can fatten him up, but he will juss slim back down. Basically he's more longer then fatter i dont know why. I got him in a 10 gallon tank is that ok or should i move him to a 20 gallon long so he run more?? He likes trying to climb the walls and dig in the substrate but i think thats normal. So could someone please help me out??


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2005
He's puffing and trying to bite because he is scared of you. alot of babies go throught that phase, keep handling him, move slowly and be patient.

I suspect your care/cage set up is lacking. Take a look at this care sheet and follow it, you will have a healthy dragon.

Check this site out for healthy food, if you are feeding lettuce that could be part of the problem with him not gaining weight. Any chance you could start a roach colony? they are great for dragons.

Join this forum, its the best one out there.


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
The above advice is very good!

Another point - if you choose to handle your dragon then handle him frequently, and gently, for about half an hour a day. Start in small amounts and work up. Don't let agressive behaviour put you off, eventually the dragon will calm down.
Once he's calm and used to you do keep it up, you don't have to handle them much of course, just enough to keep them calm. If he's fiesty in the first place chances are he'll get agressive again if you don't handle him for a long time.
My little fella is a brick, he has allways been calm so no handling is required at all, he just doesn't have agression in him!
Make sure you don't reach above your dragon, it tends to worry them, approach slowly, and if he bites wear a glove (they can nip pretty bad). You don't need to restrain him unless he's trying to dart off somewhere, he will calm down eventually but if he's agressive now chances are he'll be a tad flighty throughout his life.
Don't worry you'll get there.


Old Timer
Oct 19, 2006
have bred thousands

i have produced thousands of beardies in the last ten years,occasionally you get a nasty one.or maybe he just doesn't like you?


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2006
Please remember that everything 'above' means predator to a young beardie.
Also the general rule of thumb on caging is a min. of 2 1/2 times body length for turning and exploring. They love to climb and do so, naturally in the wild.
Head lettuce is empty of any nutrition for you or your beardie. Give only romaine and dark green leafies. Do not give asparagus, brussel sprouts, broccolli or cauliflower.
They're gassy veggies! :embarrassed:
The older the beardie the calmer they tend to be. Be patient and handle regularly with care for short intervals as instructed above; you'll end up with your own 'scaly brick' of a pet, soon.