Sooo... I need a little help


Oct 25, 2009
So today I received a G. Pulchra 3/4" sling, but I have never had a sling this small!! the lil guy is tiny, and i am worried about what to feed it and the best way to get it water. Literaly the little guy just survived a horrendous journey from Oregon, that included a sudden horrible winter storm here out of no were in Colorado. Now im worried about what to feed it. Please help. Info is greatly appreciated!!!:eek:

Ts are #1

Old Timer
Feb 22, 2009
I would feed it pinheads, and the prey should provide him water until she/he gets a water dish. plus grats on the T:D


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
Congratulations on the new baby! To start with either feed pinhead crickets or if you can't find those, get the smallest crickets you can and crush their heads with your tweezers, then give that to your baby.
Little ones that small don't really need a water dish. Keep one side of the enclosure moist (not soaking) and one side more dry. The sling will be able to get moisture from the substrate until its bigger.
Now sit back, get a good, long, interesting book, and pack a lunch. These guys are incredibly slow growers. My juvie does the whole pre-moult-I-don't-want-to-eat thing for 6 months before she even starts to consider moulting.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
Sometimes slings that small are scared by live prey, so crushing the heads might work as long as they aren't flopping around too much. You can also get adult crickets and take the large legs/ drumsticks off and feed the sling those.

Also, don't be surprised or worried if your sling burrows down and you don't see it for a few months.:D The advanced search on this forum can be your best buddy, if you let it.;)

Congrats on the T, i love our B. smithi and it was on my list of 'must haves.' :D


Oct 25, 2009
Thank you guys. I am still trying to figure my way around the sight. I apperciate all the info, the smashing the cricket heads is something had not thought of yet. The sling seems to not be hungry yet, fingers crossed that it's ok, but i will try again tomarrow to see if it's hungry. Thank you!:)


Oct 25, 2009
Ok, so I'm worried my sling is gonna die. It molted 5 days ago, and it has still not eaten yet. I know that each sling has their own eating preferrence, but it's abdomen is getting smaller since then. i misted a side of its little deli container, but I'm worried. Im sorry for asking for more advice but I'm so new to all this i dunno what else to do. It runs from everything, even when i smash the cricket heads, and they are barely twiching. Is this normal behavior? I'm getting depressed that im gonna loose it!!!! PLEASE gimme some help? I know i sound stupid but i worry over everything with it right now. I searched the search engine but i just cant seem to get the kind of advice that im looking for with it. I just suck at technology in general. I just nervously rambling and hoping for a miracle. :(


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2009
Their abdomens can get quite shrunken looking after a molt, that's normal! I wonder if the prey is still too intimidating for your little one? I have a tiny A. new river sling that wouldn't touch his crickets, and actually ran away from them. He finally started eating when i offered him fruit flies. Maybe smaller food would interest yours too?

Also, it's been only 5 days since his molt? He very well may need more time to adjust to his new body before he's interested in food, not to mention still trying to get used to his new home!

Give him more time. :) Sure he needs food to survive, but these little guys can go quite a long time (weeks, even months) between meals and still do just fine. All you can do is offer, but wait a few days between so you don't stress him out.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Ok, so I'm worried my sling is gonna die. It molted 5 days ago, and it has still not eaten yet. I know that each sling has their own eating preferrence, but it's abdomen is getting smaller since then. i misted a side of its little deli container, but I'm worried. Im sorry for asking for more advice but I'm so new to all this i dunno what else to do. It runs from everything, even when i smash the cricket heads, and they are barely twiching. Is this normal behavior? I'm getting depressed that im gonna loose it!!!! PLEASE gimme some help? I know i sound stupid but i worry over everything with it right now. I searched the search engine but i just cant seem to get the kind of advice that im looking for with it. I just suck at technology in general. I just nervously rambling and hoping for a miracle. :(
Many slings will take dead prey, I have to kill my N.coloratovillosus's prey because it is terrified of them. Try killing a cricket and leaving it in there overnight. Hope this helps. :)


Chief Cook n Bottlewasher
Old Timer
Sep 29, 2004
I tried pimheads once.. only once. ( more died than I fed)

I suggest cutting up crickets. works for me.


Old Timer
May 16, 2009
If it's molting, it's a good sign that it's healthy. Leave it alone for a week or so, before offering anything (so in your case only a few more days). As someone else mentioned, a shrunken abdomen is normal.

The smallest sling I've had to deal with is my 1/6" C. perezmilesi. It READILY takes cricket drumsticks, so when it's feeding time I just take a leg off an adult cricket and drop it in. The last time I did this the baby ran down its burrow, but 20 minutes later it could be seen munching away. It eventually let go after an hour or so, looking as fat as a grain of quinoa, and the leg was webbed over (but eventually removed). The leg was 4 times the size of the sling! :eek: Very amusing. Good luck with your pulchra!
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Old Timer
Aug 30, 2009
If you think that is small you should see the Cyriocosmus perezmilesi I have.
1/6 of an inch.

I cant even really tell if its eating or not but Ive been dropping cricket legs in with it since I've had it.