Somewhat of a corn egg emergency

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004

I'm at a bit a loss. The last 2 corns won't seem to make en effort to get out of their eggs so I thought I ask the board what's up. The shell is cracked in both eggs, some goo has dripped out, and through the cracks of one egg I can even see the snake. That's how it has been for 2-3 days now. Oh and they havn't poked their heads out either.

What I'm wondering is could I help them out or should I let them do it all by themselves, even if it takes them 2-3 more days?

There is a little catch to my question - I was planning to go on a week long trip in a few hours. There is nothing that says I can't delay that trip a few days, but every day I wait the trip gets shorter. My corn question remains - could I help them?

If my help puts them in any danger I'll not do it and wait instead.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I thought I bump this. Tomorrow I'm absolutely going, even if I have to put the two remaining eggs into their normal habitat boxes instead of letting them stay in the incubator.


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
I had a leopard gecko do that. It pipped the egg (made the slit) then stayed that way for a day. I poked at the egg and found no movement. It had died.
I would think if they dont come out soon after pipping that theyre not going to. :( But then again, I know nothing about corns other than they bite me..

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Ok, thanks for the reply! I'll now open up the two eggs and check out what's going on.

Well... They were dead... but hey, I got 18 live ones and 5 more fertilized eggs so with a little luck I get 20 afterall. But now starts the tough time of hoping they all eat.
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Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
AWW. Sorry.. Thats tough. I always feel so bad when something goes wrong with them. :( I was hoping corns were different and liked to torment you by hanging out in the shell for a while.


Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
OldHag said:
AWW. Sorry.. Thats tough. I always feel so bad when something goes wrong with them. :( I was hoping corns were different and liked to torment you by hanging out in the shell for a while.

Yeah I was hoping the same and I didn't like disecting the eggs to find what I found... but if I've learned one thing since I've started having many pets (many of them young) - that's how things work. So I try to accept it as natural and try to be happy about the rest.


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2006
Hey- Sorry about the two DOA's, although it sonds like you have yourself a nice clutch of hatchlings there.

Just to answer your original question.....

Normal practice is to try to assist any stragglers starting 24 hours after the first ones hatch. A small, sharp pair of nail scissors (not clippers) are the ideal tool for this....


Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
scottyk said:
Hey- Sorry about the two DOA's, although it sonds like you have yourself a nice clutch of hatchlings there.

Just to answer your original question.....

Normal practice is to try to assist any stragglers starting 24 hours after the first ones hatch. A small, sharp pair of nail scissors (not clippers) are the ideal tool for this....

Good to know, though I'm a bit doubtful they would have made it in the first place. The two eggs were still full of yoke so those two must have died only shortly after splitting the eggs I think.


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
Seems weird to relate, but I went through this with some baby Button Quail I had in a little 10 dollar hatcher, I swear it was past the due date by 3 days one of them finnally hatched out of 7 eggs. I left them in there for another 3 days and on someone reccomendation i opened then to see what happend, I did and one after the other were dead and dried out (ew) but the last egg i opened was alive and moving. I spent 5 hours coaxing him out of the shell very gently and keeping him moist around the shell and he finally popped out. they are all grown up now and living with the rest of my colony of buttons (yes colony, not flock, this in no way describes what they do)

I am sorry about your loss of babies, but with eggs you should always expect to loose one or two, at least in my experience.....