Matusz's Picture thread
it will be my first post here
i just want to show my spiders
and i want to check what do you think about photos taken by my new camera
1. Stromatopelma calceatum old female

2. Pterinochilus lugardi adult female.

3. Poecilotheria regalis subadult femele

4. Ceratogyrus bechuanicus just one photo but i think that it's cool.

5. Very young S.calceatum

6. Very old foto of my H.minax, she lost one leg... but she get new one
i didnt see her from half year.
1. Stromatopelma calceatum old female

2. Pterinochilus lugardi adult female.

3. Poecilotheria regalis subadult femele

4. Ceratogyrus bechuanicus just one photo but i think that it's cool.

5. Very young S.calceatum

6. Very old foto of my H.minax, she lost one leg... but she get new one
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