Some questions on Dynastes Tityus


Sep 13, 2009
Hello all!
I am looking for some advice from experienced keepers of d. tityus. Allow me to explain my set-up, its just a 10 gallon aquarium what about 1/3 peat moss, organic (ie no ferts), 1/3 dead leaves and 1/3 dead wood. well this may be a little of an exaggeration. The peat compiles the most of it, how ever there is a generous amount of leaves and wood in it. I soaked the soil before letting the beetles enter. One problem that bugs me kind of, and im not sure that it matters is that the top layer of peat dries out very quickly, while the inner peat keeps it moisture. Is this fine? i do my best to spray the top layer and keep it moist.
Now, i have had food in there for them since a few days after they were introduced. (Going on two months now). Initially, i made a mixture of brown sugar and water. It seems to me like i never see them eat. And while i mention it, i have never seen them breach the surface of the soil. After the maple syrup, i fed them bananas that were initially fresh and allowed them to decay over a week or two. it doesnt seem like any of the banana's were eaten... My second question would then be; Should I move them into a "feeder" tank were the substrate is significantly less, and hence they have an easier time finding the food source?
Im not sure how their diet affects there well-being. My friend has a pair, whom he says has saw his eat. and his female seems like a fire cracker compared to mine. However, my female has very dark colours and even when allowed to air out, she never becomes as "green" as the female. I read somewhere that the dark colour indicates she is healthy. True?
Also, they havent bred yet. Does there diet also have an influence on this? (Well i should say, i think they havent bred yet) i do my best not to harass them, but i do check the bottom every week and a half or so. Should i start experimenting with composition of wood/peat/leaves? Also, at the time, it seemed that peat was a good substitute for organic compost. Unfortunately i cannot get my hands on any organic compost unless it is sold in stores. Which i am not sure if it is.....

Im just looking for some advice, and would appreciate if you shared yours!



Old Timer
Sep 18, 2005
Hey Jared,

Hope you are enjoying keeping beetles!

Are the leaves and rotten wood chopped up? A dry top layer shouldn't matter as long as the substrate doesn't all dry out (all the way to the bottom). One trick is to keep a piece of plastic between the top of the container and the lid, and just keep a small hole for air - this should stabilize the humidity.

Were these captive bred and if so do you know how long it's been since they eclosed? If they recently became adults it can take a while for them to start eating. Body color does not indicate good/bad health, and if they were hungry and ready to eat they would find the food you put out for them no matter where it was.

To check for eggs you would need to dig to the bottom - females don't always lay at the very bottom to where you could see the eggs through the glass.

D. tityus (grubs and adults) are sometimes found in compost piles - so if you have a good mix they should lay. You might need more rotten wood to feed the grubs though.

Hope this helps..


Sep 13, 2009
Yes the wood and leaves are finely chopped, for the majority. However I allowed a small variance in size. Also, i did bake them at 250 for a few hours...


Old Timer
Oct 29, 2004
JAred, if you have not seen your female out and about could be a great indication of ovopositing. The substrate will look kind of compacted in the areas where the female ovoposit.

Darker color is not an indication of old age. Usually in beetles they start loosing limbs as a sign of old age.
So just try to leave food available for them at all times and just wait until they come out to feed, after all this beetles are crepuscular and they are most active at Dawn.

Good luck with them and send me some grubs if you get too many and cannot find good wood to feed them all..
