Some of my lizards' photos. a couple snakes and dart frog too just for the heck of it.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
Our Bearded dragon, Noz, 1 1/2 year old female from Baltimore Beardies at a reptile show. My husband bought her as his first official "pet" that he would take care of all on his own and research. That didn't last very long...... and now she's just a standard member of the family (and my gardening buddy, she hangs out on my shirt or porch while I weed and plant)

Tiger gecko. One of two (the second one I don't have yet.... actually). It was hiding in it's humid hide like always.

Crested gecko, my 6 year old son dubbed "Crusty", female.

Fire sided skink. I used to have one back in high school I loved to death, so when I saw one at Repticon Baltimore recently, I HAD to get it!!! OMG I loved these skinks so much.... they're absolute sweethearts. I also fell in love with blue tongue skinks while I was there, but this one has a blue-ish tongue, so we just pretend it's a smaller prettier version heh...

Leopard geckos. My 6 year old did well in kindergarten this year. He wanted a lizard of his own badly, and kept looking up gecko species on the internet. Yes, 6 years old and surfs the internet. He desperately wanted either leopard geckos or halmahara geckos.... I kid you not! This is my 6 year old's kindergarten classwork!!! (the leopard gecko eating a tiger gecko bit, I told him they couldn't be kept together cause one would eat the other, lol)

SO for doing well, he very recently got two leo geckos that he helps feed, and holds gently and such. A tangerine jungle, and a tremper albino... There is no UV light, this was for pics only... also the tremper wouldn't get out of the hide box for long... Oh, and I'd say 85% of what they eat is B. lateralis roaches, but the mealies worked for pics because they don't run as fast haha...

---------- Post added 06-06-2012 at 11:28 AM ----------

Oh, just because I like posting photos.. I have a mess of snakes, but some of my absolute favorites:

albino hognose male 2011

egg eater female

female california kingsnake.. not the prettiest snake I own at all, but what an awesome personality! She's getting bigger, too...

and my little dart frog! I have huge plans for this little froggy and an end table-turned-paludarium. but it'll be months before it's done and safe for the dart...


Feb 9, 2011
You sound like a good mommy. Your boys letter was cute. You took some fantastic looking pics of some beautiful looking reptiles!


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2012
That's a really interesting leuc! Lotsa black and very interrupted banding. I like him a lot!


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008

HAHA one albino, four normals (two are 100% het albino)

The three leo geckos (new adult female we got from a trade) housed seperately.
