This is a sketch I did a few years ago. I used a lead pencil which was my main tool of choice in the days when I used to draw a lot. A photo of a bee in a nature magazine served as my reference.
Thankyou all! A tattoo? Oh gosh, Ive never been asked that. There's also the factor that I am so out of practise at's a hobby that I used to do years ago. I have to really admire those tattoo artists though - not to make a single mistake.
Oh yes, Jerseygirl, I have done some charcoal. And I know what you mean by messier! This is another drawing I did during the same year (in charcoal) that was scanned recently.
Very nice I especially enjoy the charcoal rendering I like your shadowing technique. As far as tattoos go artists screw up all the time especially when they are new at it Its all about how you fix it though. People say that You cant mess up on a tattoo cause its on you forever but in most cases it can be fixed to some extent depending on the severity of the mistake, Its all in the shading and Misdirection.
Thanks again! Wow, Exotic, now that would be a graphic image! I actually found a scorpion recently near our tent and Ive found that the only prey it goes for is crickets.
That is very interesting to know, hardlucktattoo. I was assuming that since the artwork is applied on skin, it wouldn't be possible to correct mistakes. I'm glad I'm proven otherwise. Though as some of their clients are big, tough bikies, I'm betting that tattoo artists would be too afraid to screw up!
On a similar note, I'm wondering how that cattle skull artwork I posted above would look on a black t-shirt, or possibly a grey t-shirt like the background colour. Would be interesting to know if there are people who would buy such a garment.
nice artwork,and with tattoos it depends on your use of the term fix.
i have been a tattooist for 15 years and while some can be "fixed" a good tattooist doesn't make mistakes and can pick out a mistake a mile away.
i have been an artist since i have had a memory,(had lots of schooling,including a degree in fine arts)and tattooing is the top of the arts for me.
Actually, that's an excellent question, Blazetown. I have drawn some true spiders in the past. One of them was a black widow / redback if I recall...done around the same time as the bee. However, since it's been so long since Ive drawn consistently, it's hard to say how a tarantula would turn out if I drew one now. I wonder if I still have the patience for this hobby.
Sounds like quite an impressive background you have there, Bluefrogtat2. I have certainly seen some very striking tattoo designs and they are always skillfully done. I'm intrigued by that cult in Japan who have tattoos of dragons covering most of their bodies. I hope 'cult' is the right word to use as I don't know much about this particular group or their beliefs.
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