solifugids: temprate versus tropical?


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2006
i live in the northeast corner of Montana, USA. in the town of Wolf Point to be exact. i have caught several dozen of the local solifugid species over the last 18 or so years. after reading several posts on these animals ive come to wonder if the smaller temprate species wouldnt be much easier to keep than the larger tropical species? i have yet to attempt to keep the local species for extended lengths of time though i plan to try it this year if i find some individuals. unfortunatly right now is a poor time to try and find them. the longest ive kept one in the past is between 30 and 60 days before turning them loose

Point #1: i keep reading that a possible cause of early death for these is over feeding. with the temprate species such as the local one, food is quite abundant and they should not be as prone to over eating.

Point #2: running themselves to death is another point that is made as a cause of early death. the local species, within 12 hours of capture, will settle down and start to make itself a hide. i was not aware that these creatures burrowed until a couple weeks ago. most were held captive in glass pickle jars with enough substrate so that they could get traction. they would use this soil(usually the local high clay content was placed in there) to construct what i can best describe as an igloo. taking small pieces of dirt and either chewing on them or moistening them(im not sure which) in order to build up walls surrounding itself as well as a roof. making a space just barely big enough for it to turn around in. i cant remember if they left an opening for exit or weither it tore down and rebuilt whenever they chose to leave.

just some observations on the local species since everyone seems to discuss the larger desert dwelling species. granted the local species seem to max out at slightly over an inch and are no where near as impressive as the pictures ive seen on here but they are still interessting.