Some slob in my building had a roach problem and we were given warning that they would be spraying all of the apartments. So I packed all fifteen of my babies up and drove them over to their "uncle's" apartment for a week. They had a great time over there because my roommate won't let me turn the heat in our apartment up past 70 degrees and their uncle kept his place at a solid 75 degrees. This meant a week of more eating and anybody who had an itch to molt went ahead and did so. I went and visited them every couple of days to change there water and then I'd just sit and stare at their little containers. They were happy, but I missed them so much! I had this eerie hole-left-in-my-heart feeling the whole time they were gone. Now they are all home safe and sound. Except for my little B. smithi who I left there because he is suddenly really dark in a solid premolt and I didn't want to disturb him with a sudden move.