This is what I do for snake mites that works 100%. Wipe the entire snake down with a rag soaked in vegi oil. Take the enclosure and wash with soap or bleach and rinse thoroughly.My friend has a few Boa's and he said he has a problem with mites. Does anyone know if predatory mites can be used with snakes like they are Tarantulas? What kind would I be looking for? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
lol, yeah, I guess Im pretty old school, but it works.There are now many effective sprays available that will safely kill mites on reptiles. Unlike spiders, which are arachnids just like mites, you can use some pesticides on snakes. Ivermectin cattle wormer can be used as a spray, since it is also developed to control mites, specifically mange-causing mites, and in dilute form will safely kill mites on reptiles.