Snake mites!!


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I took in a red tail boa last night along with a King snake and both the tanks and accessories. My dumb ass did not even check for mites. I brought them home and took both snakes out of the tanks and put them in rubber maid containers and left the open tanks in my living room by my Ts. I took the boa to a friends because it had nose and head rub sores and mouth rot. He let me know that there were mites and I have probably infested my home.

He gave me some reptile mite spray to clean the snakes and enclosures as well as spray everything else. I put both enclosures outside in hopes the freezing temps would help kill them off.
From what I understand these mites only infest snakes. They do not infest spiders, scorpions, mammals, or even other reptiles. I have all of these and I am flipping out. I have a hognose and an Argentina boa that I adore so I'm really tripping.

I posted this in the T section to see if anyone there knows the truth to that last part.

If any of you guys have any suggestions to help with this problem please feel free to let me know.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2004
Chris gave a better explanation in your thread in the tarantula forum than I did here so I figure it's better to just check that one out. :)
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Old Timer
Mar 1, 2004
I do not know about spiders but other rep. yes they will get on any other rep. they find. Use the spray on the house and on the other reps. so you do not have mites on them to.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
BE VERY CAREFUL ROB!! Mite spray is an insecticide and if you use it around any of your arachnids, it WILL kill them!! I have had to deal with mites a couple of times, and the best way to go is with Prevent-A-Mite.


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
The freezing should work. the mites should not be able to live off of a host for very long. try moving the argentine and the hognose to another room if possible. they can actually travel pretty far. i have had an infestation go from one end of a room to the other side. its only ten feet but thats pretty far if you are only a mm long. after you have the tanks stripped you need to deal with the mites on the snakes. i never used chemical with ine. i would give them long soaks in warm water with a drop or two of a mld hand soap in it. the hand soap breaks down the surface tension of the water, making it wetter in a sense, and drowns the little blood suckers a little faster. i usuallu would do this every other day for 10-15 minutes at a time. just make sure there is enough water to submerge the snake but not too much to drown him. i have used this method with turtles and snakes with a great deal of success. just repeat the soaks until you are sure all the mites are dead. especially check the corners of the eyes, they love to hide there. this is not the only method but i found it to be the least stressful to the snakes and a lot easier than bug bombing your house.