Small Caged Frogs


Nov 7, 2011
Edit: Nvm. I'll revamp this thread to a new topic since I've found my answer.
What are the differences between the two pacman frog species in the trade?

Also, how active are pacman frogs compared to Chilean rose tarantulas and ball pythons?
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Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
If you are thinking of getting a pacman, this is a good forum to join. There are many knowledgeable people there, and they will be able to tell you the difference between the two species.

Ball Pythons, G. rosea and pacmans are all so different I dont know if there is really any point in comparing- that being said, all of them tend to spend most of their time sitting still. Pacmas tend to dig a hole in their substrate and plant their butt there. Mine didnt even move for feeding- he waited for everything to come right to his big ol'mouth.

Compared to my pacman, my G. rosea is pretty active, although she still spends most of her time planted beside her water dish, and it isnt unusual for her to the in the same place when I wake up in the morning as she was when I went to bed. People dont refer to them as pet rocks for no reason!

I would say ball pythons are probably the most "active" out of the three- but even they spend a good chunk of time tucked away in a hide. The nice thing about them however, is that they are more handleable then a frog (it isnt recommended to handle frogs at all since they absorb toxins through their skin, and oils etc on your hands can harm them), and Ts are also a more look instead of touch pet.

I guess it would depend in what you are looking for in a pet...


Sep 26, 2011
My G. rosea spends most of her time plated IN her water dish and spends all other time heart-broken that there is water in her water dish, so to compromise I now pour water on the ground where it pools in a heavily webbed indent on the ground so she can have her throne. Ball pythons I've met seem to just be active when out and about being handled. I haven't been keeping track of what kind of pet your looking for in specific but if your looking for low maintenance active you might look into geckos.
I've enjoyed watching pack-man frogs eat but that's about it, I think a while ago I read about Pixy frogs that they are comfy in a 20 gal tank because they don't use the space, they just take root in one end and stay there. Mind you I don't know if this is accurate. But I think pack-men seem the same to an extent.


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2006
Also, how active are pacman frogs compared to Chilean rose tarantulas and ball pythons?
Pacman frogs aren't very active at all. They're basically "sit and wait" predators. I don't have a great deal of experience with frogs but I've always found Hyla versicolor and Hyla cinerea to be easy, interesting, and fairly active captives. Tree frog acrobatics, especially when hunting, can be very entertaining.