Slug mating


Old Timer
Jun 24, 2005
So my daughters fell in love with our local Alaskan garden slugs and when we found a ton of eggs we thought we would bring them in and watch them hatch. We also brought in some adults to keep us company until the babies come.
Now I noticed lots of mating but never caught them in the whole act until the other night. I saw two rubbing each other down with there whatever that thing is. Then I swear, they both turned themselves inside out. I have no idea what happened, but it was bizarre. So like any good bug lover I grabbed my camera and started clicking away. Check it!

When they were done they were dazed and the smaller dropped down to lie on the bottom of the tank for a few moments before moving off. The larger looked swollen and after a moment, just started eating again like nothing happened. But you can see the eggs the smaller one landed next to.

Very cool indeed.