

Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
anyone know a breeder in the new england area..
As a skunk owner with a legal license, I highly suggest doing some massive and intensive research beforehand.

You must also find out if they are even legal in your area or any respecting breeder will not sell you one. You may also need to obtain a game farm license of types. You must also find a vet that takes skunks as patients.

This is not an animal you get because it 'looks cool' or because you want something different. Be prepared to spend A LOT of money and vet care on them. They can die if not fed the right diet and they are compulsive eaters, and chances are you will not be able to vacation or leave much, as others don't know how to take care of a skunk and should not be left to care for them as such.

I've seen far too many people getting 'cool, exotic' animals, only to get rid of them because they're 'too hard' to take care of or the animal gets put down because of their ignorance.

And let it be known that legally in any state in America, if a skunk bites a human ,it MUST LEGALLY BE DESTROYED.

Take this into consideration before making any choice.