Sivka has her own house! (flemish giant buns)


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005
I heard Flemish giants where lazy...

My Flemish Giant is a spazz. In a good way, she is always joyful and wants to play. Twenty three hours a day and 7 days aweek. However, since i've started my last job and been looking for work, a boring indoors life was getting to her.

Since shes a creepy night owl, I decided to build her a hutch.(plus the landlord said she was getting too big to live on the deck free roam) Someone on craigslist built it for 50$ with a "wardrobe" from my landlord.

I think its a decent size for her rabbitness. She even has a fenced out area for the day time, and of course I can bring her inside when I am around.

Here is the hutch in the process of being built.

Heres bunny in the hutch stalking me from the top.

and heres the final fenced in product, with bunny in the back eating a snack

Heres me and the beast enjoying the rare sun of vancouver

Hope you enjoyed the update, oh and im going to paint it forest green.