

Old Timer
Feb 3, 2013
Recently, I was lucky enough to come across a CBB Crotalus cerastes locally. I don't like WC animals personally, and it's illegal to buy them here ( so I can't buy one from a breeder, I had to find someone that would just give me one)so I was pretty stoked to come across this little guy. Even better that it's taking F/T pinks :)



Dec 10, 2010
Very cool.

I had a pair of Crotalus cerastes cercobombus for a while and they are great little snakes.

My male was regurgitating for a while when I got him but later I found out that it was because I was giving him so much water. (I used to hand-water him.)


Old Timer
Feb 3, 2013
Very cool.

I had a pair of Crotalus cerastes cercobombus for a while and they are great little snakes.

My male was regurgitating for a while when I got him but later I found out that it was because I was giving him so much water. (I used to hand-water him.)
Yeah, I like to give all my snakes very large water bowls, so not putting a small pool in with the little guy is hard for me lol


Feb 11, 2010
You should enjoy it
They're cool @$$ little snakes
I love the way they move

Here's a few pics of my girl

Have had for good 6 - 6+ years now
She was WC by a reptile rescue / rattler removal buddy of mine

Was kind of a pain to get to eat at first
But once she started taking mice..... It was all good.....
She's putting 2 to 3 nice sized fuzzies a month now

Your set up looks cool
Does it tend to hide a lot

Even though it has a bunch of rocks & what not to hide under
Mine very rarely hides
She spends 99% of her time sitting out in the open semi buried in the sand



The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
From personal experience, keep in mind Sidewinders are basically nocturnal. They come out for warmth but of all the crotalids they dislike the light the most. Living in the complete darkness their entire lives, if they can stay warm, makes them happy campers.
Where I lived on the desert for quite some time we never once saw a sidewinder though we often saw their tracks. There had to be a couple dozen in that area and though we often saw common westerns, never once a sider, except late at night with a flashlight.


Old Timer
Feb 3, 2013
Yeah she's always hidden. Which is fine by me. I'm gonna try and get a few more and set em up in a 125g tank (blacked out on 3 sides)


Feb 11, 2010
Your set up looks awesome
They - If you get another one should be more than happy in a 125gal tank
Best of luck with them

Mine's in a 3ft long X 1ft wide tank
On sand with several rock hides

"The Snark"
Wont disagree with you
But mine's a LTC / Going on 7 years
She seems to be way more than ***HAPPY***
She's fat & healthy & pretty much eats anything I toss in with her
From mice to lizards & she's even eaten a few baby birds / Which I will say that even I find to be odd / LOL

She's also VERY alert & active
Her head pops up any time you get close to the tank
I avoid doing it 'cause she usually strikes if I do & I don't want her messing up her mouth hitting glass
But she's right up on the glass & follows your hand if you put it up to her tank
Her molts have all been clean solid one piece sheds with eye cap in tacked

The tank is on a stand under a window
So it does get light & she does have a bunch of hide spots
+ We really never get all that cold here & I do have an under tank heat mat running under half the tank + it's in my computer room which I'll keep heated if it gets cold / So I'm not cold / LOL
So don't see temps being an issue

But all in all she still spends 99% of the time just hanging out in the open
About 2/3 of her body buried in the sand with just her head & maybe 1/3 of her body showing
Not the best pic but attached one of how she spend most of her time


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Mar 23, 2013
Your set up looks awesome
They - If you get another one should be more than happy in a 125gal tank
Best of luck with them

Mine's in a 3ft long X 1ft wide tank
On sand with several rock hides

"The Snark"
Wont disagree with you
But mine's a LTC / Going on 7 years
She seems to be way more than ***HAPPY***
She's fat & healthy & pretty much eats anything I toss in with her
From mice to lizards & she's even eaten a few baby birds / Which I will say that even I find to be odd / LOL

She's also VERY alert & active
Her head pops up any time you get close to the tank
I avoid doing it 'cause she usually strikes if I do & I don't want her messing up her mouth hitting glass
But she's right up on the glass & follows your hand if you put it up to her tank
Her molts have all been clean solid one piece sheds with eye cap in tacked

The tank is on a stand under a window
So it does get light & she does have a bunch of hide spots
+ We really never get all that cold here & I do have an under tank heat mat running under half the tank + it's in my computer room which I'll keep heated if it gets cold / So I'm not cold / LOL
So don't see temps being an issue

But all in all she still spends 99% of the time just hanging out in the open
About 2/3 of her body buried in the sand with just her head & maybe 1/3 of her body showing
Not the best pic but attached one of how she spend most of her time
:( Poor elgaria...