Side Blotched Lizard - Blue Color Morph


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2008
I was hiking outdoors when my friend spotted a side blotched lizard, it is missing a tail and looks as if a few bones might be broken. I took it into my care to see if I can help it. It can't keep itself supported in the usual push up stance, and lays flat most of the time. Any movement it attempts becomes a series of flops not unlike a fish out of water. The main problem is that it isn't eating, so I'm going to try and regulate the temperature in its enclosure a bit more precisely and then try and feed it again.

The main question I had was this, what would be the best way to hold him (It is a male) when feeding it ensure from a syringe? I know I need to avoid the trachea when doing this and that I must mind the gums, but I am unsure how to hold him without damaging his already damaged bones. I figure his survival rate is fairly low considering, but would still like to try.

Pictures if I can manage them later on.


Old Timer
Jun 20, 2008
You may want to try a short stint in some dry ice vapor to make him groggy (careful not to put him all the way out) and before he gets wriggling to much try and feed him a bit. Obviously this is dangerous but may be a good last resort attempt. Or depending on how shinny he is give him a little time to let some of the other wounds mend first before trying to feed again. Just guesses without actually seeing the shape he is in and where the injuries are.