Sickos out there


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2007
I keep checking it hoping he posts they caught the people that did it.


Old Timer
Jun 11, 2007
i can't see how ppl can be so laxed, not a good responsiblity owner. The snake deserves a better home, if you just leave your car unlocked, what's the chances of someone coming and grabbing an unknown bag, they must of seen him place it in there or something. You don't lock your doors you get what you deserve, the snake doesn't but the owner does, like all the irresponsible dangerous dog owners out there who make it hard for the rest of us to own our favorite breed. Now it will be hard to own larger snakes when ppl become irresponsible and the rest of us get penalized for it. Makes me sick.

Oasis Inverts

Old Timer
Sep 11, 2004
I can't even imagine what he is going through,Im sorry I can't type what Id really like to about this...I just hope that they find the people that did this and bring them to justice.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
i can't see how ppl can be so laxed, not a good responsiblity owner. The snake deserves a better home, if you just leave your car unlocked, what's the chances of someone coming and grabbing an unknown bag, they must of seen him place it in there or something. You don't lock your doors you get what you deserve, the snake doesn't but the owner does, like all the irresponsible dangerous dog owners out there who make it hard for the rest of us to own our favorite breed. Now it will be hard to own larger snakes when ppl become irresponsible and the rest of us get penalized for it. Makes me sick.
You were mentioned by name on the other site. Are you purposely going around blaming him for the dead snake? He made a mistake and left the snake. Nobody denies that. They probably didn't see him put it in there. If you read his post, he drove to get coffee. His error may have been the open window, but his mistake was a simple one that escalated when another person decided to take his property. You just seem to want to attack him as though he stoned the snake and decapitated it. Remember somebody knowingly reached into his vehicle and took property that didn't belong to him. Plus your grammer is awful. Why is it that in the age of information, so many people cannot complete a sentence. I digress. This is a horrible incident. It is sad how many people are so callous toward life.


Old Timer
May 2, 2008
i can't see how ppl can be so laxed, not a good responsiblity owner. The snake deserves a better home, if you just leave your car unlocked, what's the chances of someone coming and grabbing an unknown bag, they must of seen him place it in there or something. You don't lock your doors you get what you deserve, the snake doesn't but the owner does, like all the irresponsible dangerous dog owners out there who make it hard for the rest of us to own our favorite breed. Now it will be hard to own larger snakes when ppl become irresponsible and the rest of us get penalized for it. Makes me sick.
So what would you have done brainiac, allowed it to set in the car as it heated up to 150+ while you got your coffee?
I'd love to lock you in my truck in the sun with the window "cracked" on a 100 degree day.
For heavens sake Rick was taking it to the vet and stopped for coffee. Have we become a nation where we should consider thieves the norm rather than the exception? If this is the case I guess we should start watching out for you!!May the Karma you project come back to you 1000 fold.


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2007
i can't see how ppl can be so laxed, not a good responsiblity owner. The snake deserves a better home, if you just leave your car unlocked, what's the chances of someone coming and grabbing an unknown bag, they must of seen him place it in there or something. You don't lock your doors you get what you deserve, the snake doesn't but the owner does, like all the irresponsible dangerous dog owners out there who make it hard for the rest of us to own our favorite breed. Now it will be hard to own larger snakes when ppl become irresponsible and the rest of us get penalized for it. Makes me sick.
This is a terrible situation at hand, and your response to it all must be as sad as you are. The way you look at things makes me as sick as the ordeal itself.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
So what would you have done brainiac, allowed it to set in the car as it heated up to 150+ while you got your coffee?
I think what he was trying to get at is that the snake shouldn't have been left alone in the car period, full stop. Yes, it would have been inconvenient for the guy to not get his coffee, but being responsible for another life means you have to accept some inconveniences now and then.

For heaven's sake, though, I'm not trying to start a flame war, so let's please not have one. I'm not saying HURF HE DESERVED IT!!1 because he didn't, and the snake certainly didn't. No one deserves this. I am saying he did something careless (if normally harmless) and it was just his bad luck that someone willing to do something evil happened to be in the area during those two minutes, and took advantage of the situation, and now there's no making this right again.

I'm saying we all need to learn from this incident, at least. If this horrible publicized story keeps someone else from leaving a defenseless pet alone in a public place thinking that nothing bad could happen in two minutes, that's about the only good thing that could possibly come from it. :(

Have we become a nation where we should consider thieves the norm rather than the exception?
Well...yes, actually, although it's more like "a world where" and cruel people are not a modern invention. :8o Granted I'm in my twenties so I'm younger than some people here, but this is how I was raised: evil people are out there, and reckless drivers on the roads, and people willing to kidnap little unsupervised children while their parents are in the department store. We can't control these dangerous people any more than we can control dangerous weather, we can't do anything that will ever 100% guarantee they cannot cause harm to us or our loved ones. All we can do is keep in mind that these people exist, and do our best not to leave ourselves open to them...and then hope that we don't get hurt anyway, because sometimes your luck just runs out. Just like sometimes, no matter what precautions you take before a storm, your house gets destroyed.

To carry the slightly stretched metaphor a little further: if someone's home DOES get destroyed in that storm, it doesn't mean they deserved it or "they brought this on themselves" or anything having to do with blame at all, no matter what precautions they did or did not take. It just means that this is a world where bad things can happen, and sometimes they do, whether through terrible weather or terrible human beings. Sometimes your number is up and it happens to you. Maybe being careful and taking precautions will help you when it does, or maybe not.

I feel very sorry for the snake's owner, and I hope he eventually gets closure and the people who did this get...I don't know. Whatever kind of punishment is waiting for them, in this world or the next. I don't doubt it's something nasty - because unlike the snake's owner, the people who stole, tortured, and eventually killed a defenseless animal deserve it.

Scott C.

Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
That sucks... I was really hoping for good news about this one.

Thanks for the link.


Old Timer
May 2, 2008
That sucks... I was really hoping for good news about this one.

Thanks for the link.
They found the snakes body near the scene of the theft.
It appears the thieves opened the bag to claim their loot and got a surprise. Then they proceeded to smash the snake with rocks and chopped it's head off.:mad:


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2007
Still no luck finding the scum that did this. The reward is 750$. Someone ripped down some of his other posters.


Old Timer
Apr 30, 2008
What a horrible thing.

If anyone ever did that to one of my animals may God have mercy on their soul for I would hunt them down and seek revenge.