sick beardie?


Old Timer
Jul 21, 2008
ok i have some questions about my beardie its been fine sence i got it but lately its been really sluggish all it wants to do is sleep (it gets plenty of sleep a night) and it can barly keep it right eye open it eats fine it eats crickets and vegatables its basking zone is a solid 100F and the cool zone is probably 85F theres no exotic pet vet around here so if anyone could provide some information that would be great


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2002
There is nothing you can do aside from soaking the beardie or syringe feeding him at home. He will need lots of care. What is his husbuandry like? Do you gut load and provide a CA supplement? Does he have a UV light? There could be several things wrong.


Old Timer
Jul 21, 2008
yeah he has a uvb light hes in a 20 gallon right now but im getting a 55gallon on monday he eats fine like i said crickets and vegatables mostly collard greens


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2006
How old is he? If hes older than a year and its winter time then maybe its brumation??


Old Timer
Jul 21, 2008
I now know what the problem is if you would kindly look at my thread called photo-kerato-conjunctivitis. Thanks!


Old Timer
Nov 18, 2008
I used to keep and breed a colony of beardies. They are known for taking a little break from it all. Think of it as hibernation in mammals, but for herps it's known as brumation. They will eat less if at all, and become very lethargic. Just monitor them for a rise in activity and start to offer bugs again once they become active.

Tweak Sairaxx

Old Timer
Aug 18, 2008
I now know what the problem is if you would kindly look at my thread called photo-kerato-conjunctivitis. Thanks!
Ummm No, Not at all

How old is he? If hes older than a year and its winter time then maybe its brumation??
Atreyu, your looking way to far into possibilities, your dragon is acting normal for this time of year, and it dosent even have to be older than a year. Unless your using multiple 1000 watt MH lamps, I guarantee that you are not providing excessive UV output. Native to central Australia, Yeah go lay outside naked for an hour and see what you look like, very high UV index constantly. Beardies go through a temperate brumation, triggered by barometric pressure and humidity. Afterwich brings the onset of breeding. And its winter here thus the behavior, my beardies for years have done the same exact thing, as well as 90% of others that I've seen or dealt with. Wait till mid to late march and you will see an abrupt change back to normalcy. Still not convinced? Take your dragon and place him in the tub with warm water covering his body untill the base of the neck and let him soack for at least 15 min, if he dosent perk up and become alert then you have a deeper underlying problem that should be consulted by a veterinarian.


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2002
It is easier to just bring him to the vet... Trust me. I see this kind of stuff all the time at work. Like I said there could be several things wrong. It will be easier and cheaper to bring him to the vet now than when he really goes down hill.

Bring a moist fecal sample less than 24 hours old when you go.


Old Timer
Jul 21, 2008
Ummm No, Not at all

Atreyu, your looking way to far into possibilities, your dragon is acting normal for this time of year, and it dosent even have to be older than a year. Unless your using multiple 1000 watt MH lamps, I guarantee that you are not providing excessive UV output. Native to central Australia, Yeah go lay outside naked for an hour and see what you look like, very high UV index constantly. Beardies go through a temperate brumation, triggered by barometric pressure and humidity. Afterwich brings the onset of breeding. And its winter here thus the behavior, my beardies for years have done the same exact thing, as well as 90% of others that I've seen or dealt with. Wait till mid to late march and you will see an abrupt change back to normalcy. Still not convinced? Take your dragon and place him in the tub with warm water covering his body untill the base of the neck and let him soack for at least 15 min, if he dosent perk up and become alert then you have a deeper underlying problem that should be consulted by a veterinarian.
Please dont tell me im wrong it was the UVB light I was using I used the light shortly after I got it and he had this problem so I stopped and he was fine! Last week I started using the light again and boom instantly the same problem. I stoppped using the light and after 2 days, a 3 day brumation period? I dont think so, and im not going to turn the light back on and see if he gets sick again to prove a point. Also i gave my beardie 2 baths while having the problem totally unresponsive just sat in one spot eyes closed once again dont tell me im wrong when im right thanks!

Also check out this thread