Show on Tarantulas for the Canadians!


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2003
Ok well i emailed Discovery canada about shows on tarantulas and how they didnt have enough of them. Well I got an email back from the Director of Program Management telling me about a couple of shows that would be coming up one close and the other pretty far away but I thought I would share it with you now that the time is close. Unfortunately as you all prob know discovery channel is different in the states then in Canada and they dont run the same shows. So i have been very jealous of all of you americans that got to watch all those cool tarantula shows.
Well here is one for all the canadians out there.

Discovery Canada will be airing CHAMPIONS OF THE WILD: TARANTULAS on Sunday July 27 at 06:00 am eastern and PROFILES OF NATURE: TALES OF THE TARANTULAS on Monday December 1, at 11:00 am eastern

Hope you guys enjoy. I know I'll be taping it.

