My Grammostola pulchra sling, got it on Saturday. We had a somewhat problematic molt, it molted on its legs (not on its back), because it happened on the way home in a car. You can imagine how stressed it was. :wall: Anyway the molt happened without complications, but a piece of the old skin got stuck on my little baby's abdomen (well, actually the whole old skin did, but it "walked" the rest off ). It is chewing on a mealworm-head, first meal since the molt.
wow nice g.pulchra and poor thing for the bad molt, when i had one of my slings get its abdomen stuck in its old sking i misted it with water and waited about 10 mins then i CAREFULLY went in with a small pair of tweazers and pulled the excess skin off. It worked really well actually lol. The one i did this to was MUCH smaller than yours so if it never comes off maybe you could try this. Also hope your in for the long haul with you with g.pulchra i got mine when it was about 2 months old and ive had it for about 3 years now and its just over 3 inches. She eats voracisouly too, these just grow painfully slow but well worth the wait. Here is what my girl looks like, this pic was taken about 2 weeks ago.
so perfectly black she shines white and blue in the lights
Here is my A. versicolor, he's about the size of a penny. I think he's adorable.
He is so fast, he nearly made it into my heating vent the other day after he jumped off of my arm during some maintenance on his vial!! I caught him though without incident.
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