I came out there one day, and saw that she was laying an egg sac, that was located behind her web. The next day, she had moved up to another one, that was close to where it was located, that I'm pretty sure was already there. She's been sitting on it for about 4 days now, and I'm starting to worry that she's just unable to get back to her web, due to how it is located. What I'm wondering, is if this is normal, if I should just leave it be, or if I should try and return her to the web. She's definetly not doing anything with the egg sac, that much I'm sure of. Any thoughts?
When I get home later today, I'll try and get some pictures. For now, the best I have to offer is this one of when she was laying the new egg sac:
When I get home later today, I'll try and get some pictures. For now, the best I have to offer is this one of when she was laying the new egg sac: