shelter kitten


Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
I am thinking of adopting a kitten from the local shelter. He is actually 7 months not 9 (I called to ask questions), and he is a nuetered Manx mix. They say he is a Grey Agouti Tabby color and very friendly. The also say he is prone to Cat acne. Did some research on it, and the acne is not somthing that will effect his life. Has anyone ever dealt with a cat with acne? I think I can deal with it without any problems. Just wondering.



Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
i had never heard of this, so i looked it up.

one of my cats (also a shelter kitten) has the "dirty chin" symptom. his outbreaks have never been worse than a little scabbing on the chin, and he's always recovered.

i wouldn't let it discourage you. but you should also be aware that there ARE other conditions that can mimic feline acne, and so you should be prepared for a small financial investment if you take him to the vet and they determine it's something other than acne (such as a yeast infection or ringworm).

i say this because i adopted a cat who ended up having herpes, and the shelter did not mention anything to me about his weepy eyes. he's still a wonderful cat, but i have now exposed my other 4 cats to it and it has spread to my youngest cat.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
I had a cat with pretty severe feline acne on his chin. He would get large cystic type lumps that would pop out a foul smelling pus. It was gross. It would kind of come and go though, and never interfered with life for him.


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2008
Never had a cat with it but 2 of our dogs have canine acne occasionally flare up on their chins. It isn't too bad, just yucky when it flares up. If you keep it clean it isn't so noticeable that it should prevent you from giving the cat a home if you like the cat. At least it is under the chin instead of all over their faces like when people have acne.


Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
feline acne

I did go ahead and get the shelter kittie. Oliver is 7 months and seems to be everything I wanted in a cat, except he does have the feline acne. It is only on his chin to his mouth, but has no odor. I haven't taken him to the vet yet. He is nuetered and has had all his shots. I cleaned his ears and treated him for ear mites. He doesn't seem to scratch anymore then any other cat I have had. He even still has adult teeth coming in. They called him a grey agouti tabby color. He has the Agouti like ticked fur on his back, light striping on his legs, spots on a lighter colored belly, & slight tabby markings on his face. He his a stubby tail with a kink in it. Seems to display behavior Manx cats do. He is quiet, soft voice, thicker coat, very affectionate, and likes to have toys tossed for him to chase, then runs around with them in his mouth like a dog. He even licks me like a dog when he cuddles with me. All I've been doing is washing his chin with DermCare chlorhexidrine cleanse flush I bought at PetSmart and putting anti fungal and antibiotic Bactrim like cream on the area. It should keep it in check. The acne doesn't seem to bother him any, and it doesn't make him look bad. Not noticable unless you look under his chin.
I assuming hes already been treated for this and the folks who had him didn't want to keep him because of it. I'm going to wait and see how it is before I go the route of the Vet testing and treatment. I have heard that plastic food bowls can contribute to it, but already use glass, ceramic, and metal dishes that I wash. So I think I can live just fine with this cat. Thanks so much for your replys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
glad to hear you brought him home and you've both fallen in love with each other. :D


Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
Thanks Kitty! Got a question though. How much dry food should I give a 7 month old kitten? Its been a long time since I've had a kitten in the house. This little guy is already gaining weight and seems to always be hungry for a fe bites at a time. I gotta keep putting the food up or the dogs will eat it.



Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
most bags give you a suggested feeding amount, which varies from brand to brand.

i give about 1 good handful twice a day of science diet.

but i'll be honest with you. my "kitten" was on adult light by 7 months of age because he's SUCH a glutton. :{D