Share YOUR scary T dreams


Old Timer
May 28, 2009
Figured this could be an interesting thread... I think if anyone else has ever had a frightening/worrysome dream about their T's, you could go ahead and post it here!

Last night I had this dream where my T room was all cluttered and messy. It's not like this ever, it just was in the dream, and my OBT escaped! I couldn't find her anywhere and when I did spot her, she was living up to the hype this Sp. is given, grease lightning with fangs and a temper. Scared the living hell out of me, I couldn't catch her amongst the clutter and I was terrified of being tagged or worse, squishing her accidentally moving clutter! :( eventually I woke up and I bolted to my T room, no clutter. All the enclosures were kids lol. What a releif.

Anyone else?!

the nature boy

Old Timer
Nov 30, 2007
Figured this could be an interesting thread... I think if anyone else has ever had a frightening/worrysome dream about their T's, you could go ahead and post it here!

Last night I had this dream where my T room was all cluttered and messy. It's not like this ever, it just was in the dream, and my OBT escaped! I couldn't find her anywhere and when I did spot her, she was living up to the hype this Sp. is given, grease lightning with fangs and a temper. Scared the living hell out of me, I couldn't catch her amongst the clutter and I was terrified of being tagged or worse, squishing her accidentally moving clutter! :( eventually I woke up and I bolted to my T room, no clutter. All the enclosures were kids lol. What a releif.

Anyone else?!
I've had OBTs free ranging in my apartment before (plus H. macs and a pede). Doesn't bother me in the slightest (other than I want to find them before they dessicate). Unless the dream involved me being a feeder tossed into an enclosure I can't imagine a dream disturbing me.


Nov 8, 2007
Once dreamed I was in a mine shaft with some giant, red-carapaced, arboreal C fasciatum. I was not scared, though, only bothered that I had nothing to catch them with.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Once, I had this dream all of mine got out. I retrieved them quickly, as they didn't go far....except one. While I was looking for my missing S. cal, I heard this screaming coming from my kids' bedroom. I ran in there to see my son being tagged repeatedly.

Now, I snapped back to reality with a quickness, but the crying didn't stop. Apparently, my son got sick in the middle of the night, and I was hearing his startled cries in my sleep...much to my relief!!!


Old Timer
Jan 18, 2008
when i was a teenager. i had a really nice adult female brachypelma emilia named Beula. beula was one of my favorite tarantulas. now, at the time, i had bunk beds. i didnt share a room with anyone. i just had bunk beds for the hell of it. i always slept on the botom bunk and would drape blankets over the sides so it was like a separate little room inside my room. one night, i woke up in the middle of the night for some apparent reason. i look up at the bottom of the top bunk only to see beula crawling along the bottom of the top bunk. i said, "beula! what are you doing out??:embarrassed: and reached up to grab her only to find there was nothing there yet i still saw beula crawling slowly across the top bunk.:? i reached up again and nothing. :? i was quite puzzled and swiped my hand a few more times just to check..... :? nothing. i was wide awake and not dreaming. i was quite boggled and just rolled over and went back to sleep. when i woke up the next morning, i checked her cage and sure enough, she was under her log. must have been the ghost of beulas ancestors coming for me. {D



Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Scary T dream, Scary T nothing. :( unless you count the ones where i've dreamed of them dying, those were heartbreaking.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
I don't need to dream to have T nightmares.

But I once dreamt that my G.rosea sling had grown and turned into a 20-foot eight-legged monster and was in my room about to have me as her next snack!


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
A few weeks ago I had a very long night. Needless to say, by the time I crawled into bed, I was pretty exhausted, slightly nauseated, and less than 100% aware of what was going on. I fell asleep for about an hour when my girlfriend's cat decided to start playing around with a cardboard box in my room. The commotion kept arousing me from my needed sleep, but I was so tired that I wasn't completely aware of what was happening. In my semi-conscious state, I thought two things were happening. 1) I owned a giant, puppy sized tarantula, and 2) it had escaped and was going on a rampage in my room. I kept wanting to get up and take care of it, but was too tired to actually do anything about it. That cat doesn't sleep in my room anymore.

PS - should probably be in "tarantula chat".


Old Timer
Jan 18, 2008
oh, here is anotehr interesting story. my mom was quite the supportive parent. she put up with all my hobbies and interests. she let me turn the backyard into a bmx bike park prettuy much. she let me have al my spiders and scorpions and centipedes. she let me have all my plants and fish tanks everywhere. as long as it was clean, she didnt mind. well, as a kid, i had to have everything even if that meant i had to do with makeshift cages. sometimes these cages werent exactly escape proof. one day, we had family staying with us and my mother gave up her room so a family member could sleep in her room. my mom slept in my room on the top bunk. well, when my mom went to bed that night, i was still up watching tv in the living room. i heard her call my name a few times and i go into my room to see what she wanted. she said, "one of your spiders got out" and she points to the pillow she is laying her head on. turns out when she put her head on the pillow, a pink toe i had came crawling out of the pillow case and right up to her head. my mom just sat there and let it hang out with her until i came and got it.

another time, my mom was in the bathroom doing her hair. i was in my room. i suddenly hear her say in a calm voice, "josh, beavis is out." my head flew up and i shot out of my room as beavis was a large adult female cyriopagopus paganus who was mean as snot! my mom knew this too, but she remained calm and didnt really mind.

anotehr time, same situation....... my mom is doing her hair in the bathroom and i am in my room. i hear my mom say, "josh, wedgehead is crawling across the floor." once again, calm voice and demeanor. i flew out my door as wedgehead was my pride and joy, a nine inch scolopendra gigantea. wedgehead was just cruising across the floor and i reached down and picked him up and my mom just laughed at me and she thought it was cute. my mom was friggin awesome! i dont know any other moms who would have dealt with all that randomness.



Old Timer
Jul 29, 2007
when i was a teenager. i had a really nice adult female brachypelma emilia named Beula. beula was one of my favorite tarantulas. now, at the time, i had bunk beds. i didnt share a room with anyone. i just had bunk beds for the hell of it. i always slept on the botom bunk and would drape blankets over the sides so it was like a separate little room inside my room. one night, i woke up in the middle of the night for some apparent reason. i look up at the bottom of the top bunk only to see beula crawling along the bottom of the top bunk. i said, "beula! what are you doing out??:embarrassed: and reached up to grab her only to find there was nothing there yet i still saw beula crawling slowly across the top bunk.:? i reached up again and nothing. :? i was quite puzzled and swiped my hand a few more times just to check..... :? nothing. i was wide awake and not dreaming. i was quite boggled and just rolled over and went back to sleep. when i woke up the next morning, i checked her cage and sure enough, she was under her log. must have been the ghost of beulas ancestors coming for me. {D

I have done this several times with several pets that I care for over a long period of hours during the day. I think it stems from my intense fascination of them as well as my strong desire to care for their safety. Sometimes it involves me seeing a pet, and trying not to squish it in my bed. Irrational, I know but my mind gets in this state when it is half asleep sometimes. I call it hallucinating. I have done this with other things too.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Scary and T in the same sentence? Never! lol

Though I did have a dream that my G. rosea, Ituri, (my first T, that I got 8 years ago) got loose and into a fight with Aidan (OBT, the love of my T life) and mortally injured him - yeah, didn't eat him, but in my dream it looked like he'd been bit by a TINY dog lol... then Ituri laid a sac of G. rosea/OBT hybrids :eek:

When I woke up, I bout fell over trying to scramble out of bed to make sure Aidan was okay haha


Old Timer
Jul 29, 2007
oh, here is anotehr interesting story. my mom was quite the supportive parent. she put up with all my hobbies and interests. she let me turn the backyard into a bmx bike park prettuy much. she let me have al my spiders and scorpions and centipedes. she let me have all my plants and fish tanks everywhere. as long as it was clean, she didnt mind. well, as a kid, i had to have everything even if that meant i had to do with makeshift cages. sometimes these cages werent exactly escape proof. one day, we had family staying with us and my mother gave up her room so a family member could sleep in her room. my mom slept in my room on the top bunk. well, when my mom went to bed that night, i was still up watching tv in the living room. i heard her call my name a few times and i go into my room to see what she wanted. she said, "one of your spiders got out" and she points to the pillow she is laying her head on. turns out when she put her head on the pillow, a pink toe i had came crawling out of the pillow case and right up to her head. my mom just sat there and let it hang out with her until i came and got it.

another time, my mom was in the bathroom doing her hair. i was in my room. i suddenly hear her say in a calm voice, "josh, beavis is out." my head flew up and i shot out of my room as beavis was a large adult female cyriopagopus paganus who was mean as snot! my mom knew this too, but she remained calm and didnt really mind.

anotehr time, same situation....... my mom is doing her hair in the bathroom and i am in my room. i hear my mom say, "josh, wedgehead is crawling across the floor." once again, calm voice and demeanor. i flew out my door as wedgehead was my pride and joy, a nine inch scolopendra gigantea. wedgehead was just cruising across the floor and i reached down and picked him up and my mom just laughed at me and she thought it was cute. my mom was friggin awesome! i dont know any other moms who would have dealt with all that randomness.

My mom did tolerate all of my animals and such, but would have killed me if one of them escaped (especially a T). Your mom sounds awesome.

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
I sleep like a baby every night.Now my wife thats a different story.

Figured this could be an interesting thread... I think if anyone else has ever had a frightening/worrysome dream about their T's, you could go ahead and post it here!

Last night I had this dream where my T room was all cluttered and messy. It's not like this ever, it just was in the dream, and my OBT escaped! I couldn't find her anywhere and when I did spot her, she was living up to the hype this Sp. is given, grease lightning with fangs and a temper. Scared the living hell out of me, I couldn't catch her amongst the clutter and I was terrified of being tagged or worse, squishing her accidentally moving clutter! :( eventually I woke up and I bolted to my T room, no clutter. All the enclosures were kids lol. What a releif.

Anyone else?!
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Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
LOL! Of course! Probably something like only eating people's faces on the 13th, 52nd, and 97th Wednesdays of the year!


Old Timer
Aug 29, 2009

Once, I had a dream that I was riding on the back of a versi when all of the sudden, a hunter from Halo shot it and we fell through this invisible black hole.

when I woke up, I sat in my bed for about ten minutes, and when I finally got out of bed, I felt the floor with my foot.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
The only tarantula-related nightmare I've ever had was 3 weeks ago. It was about a couple of guys who broke into my house and not only stole from my family, but squashed every one of my tarantulas. Leaving them in plain sight for me to find when I got home from work. :(

I'll admit, I went to go check on my babies right when I woke up.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
The only tarantula-related nightmare I've ever had was 3 weeks ago. It was about a couple of guys who broke into my house and not only stole from my family, but squashed every one of my tarantulas. Leaving them in plain sight for me to find when I got home from work. :(

I'll admit, I went to go check on my babies right when I woke up.

:eek: That would be a terrible dream!