Figured this could be an interesting thread... I think if anyone else has ever had a frightening/worrysome dream about their T's, you could go ahead and post it here!
Last night I had this dream where my T room was all cluttered and messy. It's not like this ever, it just was in the dream, and my OBT escaped! I couldn't find her anywhere and when I did spot her, she was living up to the hype this Sp. is given, grease lightning with fangs and a temper. Scared the living hell out of me, I couldn't catch her amongst the clutter and I was terrified of being tagged or worse, squishing her accidentally moving clutter!
eventually I woke up and I bolted to my T room, no clutter. All the enclosures were kids lol. What a releif.
Anyone else?!
Last night I had this dream where my T room was all cluttered and messy. It's not like this ever, it just was in the dream, and my OBT escaped! I couldn't find her anywhere and when I did spot her, she was living up to the hype this Sp. is given, grease lightning with fangs and a temper. Scared the living hell out of me, I couldn't catch her amongst the clutter and I was terrified of being tagged or worse, squishing her accidentally moving clutter!
Anyone else?!