Yep, I've only noticed it during mating.I have noticed the penis, male part, (if that is what it is called in beetles) sticking out from under the back of the wings at the very end of the abdomen during mating or in old age in my beetles, but can not tell them apart otherwise.
More protein? I never knew I even had to give them any :\. What do you suggest I give them?Cannibalism is normal among many darkling beetles. Give them more proteins.
I give them dry cat (or dog) food, pieces of fresh meat ect. If you have large ammounts of larvae/beetles you don't need to worry about cannibalism. It happens in "overpopulated" populations, but you will always have enough animals to keep everything running.T
More protein? I never knew I even had to give them any :\. What do you suggest I give them?