Scuttle Flies


Old Timer
Oct 18, 2005
Ok, I have a minor Scuttle Fly problem in my roach tubs. My B. dubias are housed in a substrate free tub with a cork tile "condo". By B. fumigata are housed with 4" of coco fiber substrate and 1" of repti-bark. I mist one side of the enclosure to provide humidity. The roaches love the setup but so do the scuttle flies.

I popped open the tub the other day and observed several flies running around the sides and a couple flew out. I killed as many as I could find and stirred the substrate around. I finally found a large dead roach and pulled it out. As I threw it away it broke apart and I could see that the inside was crawling with tiny maggots.

I again sifted through the colony and couldn't find any more dead roaches or maggots. I've set up a few of the traps Rochelle mentioned in a previous thread but they don't seem to be working very well.

Should I toss the substrate and switch the colony over to egg crates? I don't have this problem with the B. dubias because it's easy to see dead roaches in the bare tub.
