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Scolopendra mutalins


Dec 23, 2017
Specimen 4 inch Scolopendra mutalins

Location of bite: left thumb

Time of bite 8:30 PM

8:30PM: Immediate strong and sharp burning pain at the bite site.

8:32PM: Pain reaches 6/10 levels. A small wheal forms at the bite site.

8:40PM: initial sharp burning pain starts to be replaced by a persistent throbbing pain. A small amount of swelling begins to set in.

8:50PM: pain begins to die down. Swelling persists along with a throbbing pain.

9:10PM: pain is gone. Swelling seems to have stopped spreading as well.

12 hours later: All that remains from the bite is swelling on my hand

24 hours later: pain is long gone; only some slight swelling and itching remains.

Conclusion: this species packs a punch like other Asian species, however the effects are short lived relative to most centipede bites.