SC Reptile & Exotic Animal Show Columbia SC November 3&4


Oct 11, 2004
South Carolina Reptile and Exotic Animal Show
Venomous Included

When: November 3rd & 4th

Where:Jamil Temple
206 Jamil Rd.
Columbia South Carolina
Time: 10:00am till 5:00pm Saturday
10:00am till 4:00pm Sunday

Ticket Prices: 12 and up $8.00
5 thru 11 $5.00
4 and Under get in Free!
VIP Passes with 1 hour early admission on Saturday and Regular Admission on Sunday, with a tote bag filled with Zoo Med samples, coupons and other info.
Adults $10
Children $5

We have a Special Headlining Speaker for this show, along with Jeff Mohr, Hunter Jackson and Chuck Hurd with the native venomous display.

Come play Reptile Jeapardy, Reptile Wheel A Fortune and see Friedrick's Puppet show. Something for everyone!

Door Prizes to be given away every Hour. Starting with a VIP Only Drawing at 9:45!

Contact Us at or phone: 864.292.9614


Old Timer
Nov 13, 2006
well this is one show at least i can make. have attended the last 2. & where i bought my first T. I guess im lucky i can make it to this one though, has alot of venomous snakes there that are always fun to check out.


Oct 11, 2004

Repticon is proud to announce a Brand New Headlinning Speaker for the November 3rd & 4th show in Columbia South Carolina! Repticon welcomes Thomas Eimermacher!
Thomas Eimermacher is a herpetologist and PhD student at the Amphibian and Reptile Diversity Research Center at the University of Texas of Arlington. He grew up in Germany and Bolivia, and received two Master’s degrees in Louisiana, before working with Eric Smith and Jonathan Campbell at UT Arlington. His research focuses on snake systematics, and his work on African cobras has been featured on international television. His current research involves the phylogenetic relationships of boomslangs and their relatives. He also serves as an appointed member on the Louisiana Reptile and Amphibian Task Force, where he played a significant part in developing a practical permit system for keeping large constrictors and venomous snakes. He has also been involved with the leadership of the Louisiana Gulf Coast Herpetological Society and the Southeastern Hot Herp Society.
Come see and hear Jeff Mohr's presentation on Cornsnake Morphs along with Hunter Jackson's presentation on the Captive Care Of Tortioses.
Come see Chuck Hurd's Native Venomous Display!

There will be Three book Authors on hand to sign autographs!
John Kemnitzer/ Author
"Snake Hunting The Carolina Tin Fields"
"Rattlesnake Hunting - Hunting With The Oldtimers"

BW Smith/ Author
Venomous Snakes In Captivity

Chad Minter
Venomous Snakes Of The Southeast

Come buy that early Christmas gift. Reptiles, Amphibians, small mammals, birds, fish, supplies, Tshirts, cages, something for everyone!

VIP Tickets go on sale next week! ZooMed will be our Tote Bag Sponsor for this show!

Vendors if you haven't reserved your tables yet, do so TODAY! We are well over half way filled and September has just started! Also for all Vendors we have a special treat that will be announced soon!

Contact us by phone 864.292.9614
by email


Oct 11, 2004
With Just over 2 weeks to go, Things are shaping up very nicely. Fliers have been distributed from Ga through out South Carolina. We have a few VIP Passes still available
and over 140 tables booked. We will have a special door prize drawing just for pre paid VIPs and a Zoo Med Tote Bag with samples and a discount coupon for show tshirts. Door prizes sponsored by Zoo Med, Russ Gurley,, Jungle Habitats Plastics and Exotic Kingdom. Door Prizes will be given away every hour so make sure to stop by the information table and sign up for these great door prizes!
Jeff Mohr from Mohr Snakes plans to give away a free cornsnake at each one of his presentations. The only catch, however, is the people must be present at HIS presentation to win.

Check out new information at

Contact us at 864-292-9614

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
im defianatly going to be attending the show.. dose anyone know if there will be any invert dealers there? all the reptiles i want are a little out of my current budget so im looking for a few T's or scorps.. id love to bring home either a mac, a ornata, or a deathstalker... if anyone is going P.M. me and let me know about it... ill be there friday night and would love to meet up with some of you and grab a pitcher, shoot a few games of pool or whatever.


im defianatly going to be attending the show.. dose anyone know if there will be any invert dealers there? all the reptiles i want are a little out of my current budget so im looking for a few T's or scorps.. id love to bring home either a mac, a ornata, or a deathstalker... if anyone is going P.M. me and let me know about it... ill be there friday night and would love to meet up with some of you and grab a pitcher, shoot a few games of pool or whatever.
Exotic Kingdom will be there, They will have Deathstalkers, and assorted T's. We asked Mike to send us a list of T's he will have at the show, as soon as we get it I will post it here.

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
nice im looking forward to it.. a subadult ornata will definalty be one of my must haves for the weekend.....

as long as theres a selection im sure i will come home with something fun.


Oct 11, 2004
Vendor tables are soldout.
We have 64 Vendors, and the Temple will be packed with Reptiles and supplies. We will also have small animals and birds. Live and Frozen feeders. Something for everyone. Come and buy that early Christmas gift.


Oct 11, 2004
Ok, Here's some of the stuff Exotic Kingdom will have at the show.

Mexican red-knee 1.5" to 3" Brachypelma smithi
Mexican Red-leg Brachypelma emilia
Brazilia salmon pink 1.5" Lasiodora parahybana
King Baboon 1.5" Citharischius crawshayi
Cobalt blues1" to 1.5' Haplpelma lividum
Colombian giant red leg 3" Megaphobema robustuam
Curly hair 1" Brachypelma albopilosum
Mexican fire-leg 1.5" to 2" Brachypelma boehmei
Mexican red rump 3/4" Brachypelma vagans
Oklahoma brown 3/4" Aphonopela hentzi
Peyson blonde 1/4 Aphonopela spp.
Mexican redrump 3/4" Brachypelma vagans
Asian fawn 3/4" Chilobrachys huahini
Green bottle blue 3/4" Chromatopelma cyanopubescens
Singapore blue 3/4" to 4" Cyriopaopus spp.
Chinese black giant earth tiger 3/4" Haplopelma schmidti
Brazilian red+white 1.5" Nhandu chromatus
Ghost ornamental 2" Poecilotheria pederseni
Indian ornamental 2" to 6" Poecilotheria regalis
Mysore ornamental 3" Poecilotheria striata

Death stalker Leiurus quinquestriatus

and lots more