I've kept the animal pictured above (in the 90's everything that came from mainland South America was a gigantea ssp.), husbandry is fairly straightforward. Keep them at 75-80 with thick substrate and high humidity...I also noticed that they tend to be messier than their NA counterparts and need more attention cleaning wise. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you have, feel free to respond or ping me.
Oh all of mine are long gone...I used to buy/sell them a lot in the mid-late 90s when they were coming in from Ecuador, Peru and Paraguay...back then average sized adults went for $30-60 retail, I was getting them from importers and wholesalers at $5-10. I only kept a few as pets, a few huge gigantea/robusta, along with what was a the time called angulata (I now believe it was hermosa) and one "viridicornis" (the Trinidad Giant Black, I think steven calls them the 'black robusta morph'). The last one died in 2001/2002. I actually bought a "robusta" back in 2004, the last time i know of them being available in the US, but I wound up selling that a couple years back. Boy...this kind of turned into my life story...sorry.Thanks so much for the good info ComaHow long have you had yours for?