Safe plants for A. gigas to eat?


Dec 12, 2021
Hey everyone,

I just got 3 juvenile/sub-adult Archispirostreptus gigas. When I first added them to the terrarium, I noticed two of them showing a lot of interest in the 2 fake plants I put on each side of the enclosure.

I was wondering what plants I can add that they could safely feed on? I've looked at African biotope plants on Dendroboards but I couldn't find anything concrete. The 3 posts I found here on AB about this topic, one had no replies, and the other two had replies saying that they will eat plants without mentioning anything specific (and one did have a link to a supposed "list", but of course it's a dead link).

What I could find from Dendroboards and various reddit threads:
Swedish Ivy
African Begonias (I was specifically looking at B. polygonoides and prismatocarpa)
Medinilla sedifolia

BUT I saw many comments here on AB stating that they had A. gigas feeding on plants (and quite voraciously, it seems) so I wanted to ask: what plants are safe to feed/grow in A. gigas enclosure?

The terrarium isn't super tall above the soil, may 6-7in, but it's quite long. There's maybe 5-6in of soil with 1-2in of hardwood leaves on top and 1/2in of a drainage layer at the bottom. Lights on a timer 13hrs and average temps between 80-90 during the day 75-80 at night, humidity settles around 60% for most of the day, other than with a fogger that runs dawn for an hour and a half and again at dusk to raise it to 80-90%.

I appreciate any info you guys can share!


May 18, 2024
I'm working on a Trinidad biotope right now and what has helped me tremendously is iNaturalist. I start by searching for my target species, identifying general areas or regions they've been found and making note of what the environment looks like in those ID pictures. Then searching for 'plants' in that region. The hard part is then narrowing down things that will work well in a terrarium and then sourcing them. Some locales are easier than others.

As far as safe eating, most animals are smarter than the average dog and know what they can and cannot eat. I'm no expert on millipedes but seeing as they are detrivores, I'd expect there isn't much that they can't eat. So long as your substrate is nutrient rich (loam, wood debris, &c) and you're supplementing with fruit or whatever, you're probably fine with anything you put in there. I have been reading from a breeder that coco coir can cause impaction in millipedes so I'd avoid that personally, though her species are significantly smaller than A. gigas.

Good luck!

Elytra and Antenna

Arachnosupporter +
Sep 12, 2002
Hey everyone,

I just got 3 juvenile/sub-adult Archispirostreptus gigas. When I first added them to the terrarium, I noticed two of them showing a lot of interest in the 2 fake plants I put on each side of the enclosure.

I was wondering what plants I can add that they could safely feed on? I've looked at African biotope plants on Dendroboards but I couldn't find anything concrete. The 3 posts I found here on AB about this topic, one had no replies, and the other two had replies saying that they will eat plants without mentioning anything specific (and one did have a link to a supposed "list", but of course it's a dead link).

What I could find from Dendroboards and various reddit threads:
Swedish Ivy
African Begonias (I was specifically looking at B. polygonoides and prismatocarpa)
Medinilla sedifolia

BUT I saw many comments here on AB stating that they had A. gigas feeding on plants (and quite voraciously, it seems) so I wanted to ask: what plants are safe to feed/grow in A. gigas enclosure?

The terrarium isn't super tall above the soil, may 6-7in, but it's quite long. There's maybe 5-6in of soil with 1-2in of hardwood leaves on top and 1/2in of a drainage layer at the bottom. Lights on a timer 13hrs and average temps between 80-90 during the day 75-80 at night, humidity settles around 60% for most of the day, other than with a fogger that runs dawn for an hour and a half and again at dusk to raise it to 80-90%.

I appreciate any info you guys can share!
They eat all sorts of decaying vegetation but I don't think live is a good plan.