Sad Goat Story


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
Well, my husband was mowing the lawn and turned off the mower to got empty the grassbag. He heard my goat screaming and looked over. The dumb goat had Jumped up onto the mower and gotten his foot caught against the muffler :( He burned his leg right above the hoof. It was so bad that it was open and bleeding. I tried to clean it up but the next day he couldnt even walk on it so we took him to the vet. They said if I had waited another day it would have abcessed and he would have lost his hoof :eek:
So the cleaned it out really good (poor thing...had to hurt like hell) and gave him some antibiotic shots and sent me home with more shots to give him for the next few days.
It just gets worse.... After a week I took off the bandage and his hoof now splays out like he cant control it..and he walks on the back of the foot instead of on the middle like he should....Back to the vet.... They hold him down DRILL a hole through his hoof and wire it together. Saying hes had nerve damage and streached ligaments. OMH My poor baby!! He was screaming the whole time :(

Well after that he couldnt even walk at ALL...after 2 days I said ENOUGH!!!! I had them cut off the wire and I got some elastic tape and taped his hoof together in the proper position. After two days he finally started walking on it :D Today hes actually running around and playing YAY :clap: Poor thing... two weeks of pain and torture...

Just had to whine.. Thanks for listening :D



Old Timer
Oct 18, 2003
aw, glad to hear you did the RIGHT thing after a while. Hope he gets better soon.