My friend caught be a beautiful S. grossa female for me at our work. He's trying to make up for my idiot coworker killing my two Latro females. She threw the deli cup in the air and let it hit the ground so they ruptured.
I tried explaining to her that she just killed two gorgeous animals...MY animals that I planned to take home...and she just laughed and tried to describe to me how they looked as they died. I just walked away.
Anyway, I have this S. grossa now. I did have two but I hit a pothole driving home and she ruptured. I did get a huge eggsac out of the remaining female. She's so chocolate brown that you can only just slightly see the markings on her back.
Anyway, I have this S. grossa now. I did have two but I hit a pothole driving home and she ruptured. I did get a huge eggsac out of the remaining female. She's so chocolate brown that you can only just slightly see the markings on her back.