S. dehaani mating attempt.


Apr 23, 2013
When the four new adult S. dehaani arrived just over a month ago, I sexed three of them, I didn't sex one as it's injured, but I had a feeling it was a male. When I poked the terminal legs to get it to move out of the way earlier, it started acting as I've read that males do when they're mating, so I decided to put it in a spare tank with a female that was sexed a while ago. Once they were in together, they showed interest in each other, ended up tangled up a bit, and then the female started following the injured centipede. The went between a brick and the side of the tank, then the injured centipede started spinning a web, confirming my suspicions that it was a male. This went on for 45 minutes or so, before he deposited the sperm packet, then the female walked over it and picked it up. There's some pictures of the web below, with what remains of the sperm packet. This looks to have been a successful mating attempt, both centipedes are back in their enclosures. The male is just over 6 inches, the female 9 inches.



Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Alright, good luck with that. Are you sure she picked up, what's that white diddly next to the web, just something else? I have a big one under right now, don't know if it's a molt or eggs. I can usually tell when something's up because when they just want to hide, there's usually a hole or two in places but when they close the door it's often a molt or eggs.


Apr 23, 2013
Cheers. Yeah, I was keeping an eye on them, the bit that's left is maybe a third of what was there, if that. Once the male moved out of the way, the female walked over it and picked up most of it, then proceeded to wander through the web a few times. I believe both are wild caught, so she could well be due some eggs some time anyway.

The biggest of the females hasn't been seen for a month now, no burrow entrances anywhere.


Apr 23, 2013
Well, the female was out a lot before the mating attempt, she's now gone in to hiding, has been for the past week., so here's hoping it was a successful attempt.